If wives only knew

LovingKayla's Avatar
If wives only knew what we actually did for them, they'd keep us on staff.

The discussion is.... If the hobby could be explained to your wife and the benefit to her, would she be more receptive of you having a provider?

I ask this because I have a client that told me his wife LOVES the hobby. After she caught him and after weeks of shit she came to the realization He leaves her alone and is still the perfect husband and father, back when he was seeing providers. Would your wife be receptive to this concept? If so, how would you present it?
Hercules's Avatar
If husbands only knew that most every wife knows when he's boffing a pro.

I'm there. Started out on the side. Got outed. She wanted to see what it was all about. Wife and I had 3-somes with the likes of Hannah of Dallas, Terri Brice, Cat Adair, Leslie Hills and so on. Then all that changed and I was on my own again.

She didn't like the $ I was spending on pros. So then a 24 y/o literally fell into my lap who was into older guys. Me Having a 24 y/o girlfriend made the SO realize what a bargain the pros are.
Pistol Man's Avatar

That concept would get the same reception as the Bill clinton explanation that a blow job is not sex!!! She ain't buying it!!!!!
It'd start with...

1. If you'd just learn to do THAT with your mouth........afterall..it seems to be moving all the time.

2. Since you're convinced my head's up my ass, I simply found somoen to use a finger or two instead!

3. If I can swallow my pride enough to stay married to you the least you can do is swallow something too!

4. I got tired of spraying grease whenever YOU spread your legs!

5. Nice when someone other than just me wants some sex!

6. I'd pay you too if you were as good as her!
  • Colby
  • 01-23-2012, 02:59 PM
I am sure we providers had SAVED more marriages than most counselors. You go to work...take a nice long lunch, then go home and kiss you wife and ask how her day was...with a smile! No arguing or her having to have an excuse for not having sex with you!
Iaintliein's Avatar
Whenever there's a documentary on TV or major news event pertaining to the oldest profession, she's more outspoken than I am that it should be a legal, respected profession that serves a vital need in society.

It is my sincere belief if I ever tried to expand that macro view to a personal one that she would simply not think I'm worth the expenditure, in the end, it would be about the money more than the principle.

Doctor to anxious wife after husband's chest pains:
"It's been statistically proven sex three times per week does a man more good than any combination of diet and drugs in combating heart disease. Just take him home and give him hot sex three times a week and he'll live to a ripe old age."

Husband to anxious wife:
"What did the doctor say?"

Anxious wife to Husband:
"You're gonna die."
More wives may know than we think.

If I were married, Id rather my hubby do this than have a gf.
Infact, Id do it with him. What better birthday or christmas give could a wife give?

Or even a gift certificate.
corona's Avatar
More wives may know than we think.

If I were married, Id rather my hubby do this than have a gf.
Infact, Id do it with him. What better birthday or christmas give could a wife give?

Or even a gift certificate. Originally Posted by Zada Knight
If my wife put out, I wouldn't need to hobby.
I see it from different women, my vanilla friends of friends. Even though I never say it, I think to myself, if it wern't for women like you, women like me wouldn't exist.

The hobby has been around for as long as civilization has, and probably before then. Egyptian men used to bring grain, wine, oils and lotus flowers to their fave lady, wife at home!
Turkish!'s Avatar
The thing is, my wife is hot as hell and we have sex about once or twice a week. I did get caught once and made her believe it was a one time thing. I don't hobby like I used to but I still do it. If she found out, Boom!! Divorce!! Yet I still do it.

Why I really hobby is Sex Addiction. I can't get enough women! I see at least 10 women a day I wanna have sex with! I wish I could brainwash her into joining the hobby with me. But then I would be broke..

Bad thing is I will probably be moving to the Dallas area in about a year. Gasoline to the Fire!
I've heard gents say the same, that they are happy at home, that now and then they want to play.

If it makes you feel any better, I have a sex addiction also, I dropped out of my support group and fell off the 12 step program so many times I gave up!

I proudly maintain my naughty list ranking! You are not alone!
jafun's Avatar
  • jafun
  • 01-23-2012, 04:07 PM
She'd kill me! I wouldn't have been hobbying, had SO been nice to me. I am one of those who remained virgin untill I was married.
pyramider's Avatar
And still a virgin after the vows . . .

Kayla, most, not all, of us have strong instincts for self preservation. If more wives knew that the fucktards hobby the state of Texas would have to build more women's prisons.
In the movie Men of Honor, the master chief says: Why Would Anybody Want To Be A Navy Diver. AS a play on words the girls should be asking why would anyone want to be a " WIFE". In my limited experience with boyfriends their attitude seemed to be, I should stay home, idealy barefoot and pregant while they went hunting, fishing, playing pool, and in general hanging out and having fun. Of course when they did come home I should be overjoyed to suck thier dick and act like a sex starved porn star while cleaning the fish, or cutting up their deer.. Hell I could out fish, or hunt them on my bad days. As time drifts on I still find that same attitude very much still alive and well in most of my married friends lives. Wher hubby is gone it is shocking what comments come out of their loving wives mouths. Now don't get me wrong every great once in a while I run across a relationship that is what fairy tales are made of, but not often
With that being said , if I ever do find the right one and decide to get married, I can only hope to find someone as nice, well manered, polite, respectful, and considerate as the vast majority of the guys I have had dealings with here in the hobby world. I also hope that I could take away from this life the understanding that a fellow can still be a great husband, dad , and hub of a good family life. At this point in my journey thru life I believe a descrete play session outside the bounds of marrage actually might be a good thing as long as home life is not being neglected.
zme's Avatar
  • zme
  • 01-23-2012, 06:31 PM
This really is a great question. And I agree with all those who say that this profession really helps marriages. I have a perfectly great marriage which I enjoy thoroughly and I my wife is great is all ways, except... she is just not that into sex as I am. I don't judge her for it or anything, all people are different and I guess she has every right. But I need to have my needs met and this is how I do it.
It just makes my marriage better because I get all my needs met in the best way I can. It probably should be legal. It is just as much a professional service as hiring a plumber or psychiatrist because you don't can't get that need met at home.