White House Incompetance Continues....

This is laughable....but with American manufacuturing hurting and jobs scare; you would think the Labor Secretary Solis would know what she is talking about..............the final paragraph sums it up !

"The Obama administration official chiefly responsible for worrying about American jobs and the American worker brags about a product made by American workers when it clearly isn’t. Meanwhile, the unemployment rate is stagnant, American manufacturing is struggling, and Solis’s boss, President Obama, is trying to schedule a big speech on job creation"


God, I hope we can survive the remaining 14 months of Slacker Obama's incompetant administration and policies !
What? We have a Labor Secretary? I thought the proper title was "Jobs Czar?"
Budman's Avatar
It's kind of funny how they try to cover her ass by telling us that some of the parts are made in the USA.
waverunner234's Avatar
God, I hope we can survive the remaining 14 months of Slacker Obama's incompetant administration and policies ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
TheDaliLama's Avatar
It's kind of funny how they try to cover her ass by telling us that some of the parts are made in the USA. Originally Posted by Budman
We make the "Made in China" labels.
surcher's Avatar
We make the "Made in China" labels. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
And damn proud of it!
TexTushHog's Avatar
If you want to see Whitehouse incompetence, here it is:


Refusal to go forward with the new ozone regulations is absolute idiocy. Obama never met a fight with the Republicans he couldn't run away from. He's a gutless coward when it comes to fights that matter. I'm still shocked that he doesn't have a primary opponent.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I will admit that politics is a brutal game and regrettably it is becoming even more brutal with every election cycle.

President Obama has had a very rough year, but in my mind, he is still the best hope this country has. He has a lot of the qualities that President John F. Kennedy had, but even Kennedy had many determined adversaries who hated him.

From my perspective, this country is in the mess it is in now primarily because of three major reasons.

1. Europe has gotten itself into a very serious financial situation of its own making. That creates a loss of confidence in the economy that is spreading through out the world. If Europe goes down, it will drag the US down too. We have already had our credit downgraded.

2. The United States got itself into the financial mess primarily because of the imbecilic policies of Bush who rushed this country into unfunded and totally unnecessary wars that have suck the blood and treasure of this country. Then for good measure he issued tax cuts to the wealthy all of which dissipated the surplus that the Democrats had left this once great country.

3. The unmitigated greed of Wall Street and the incompetence of Detroit who caved in to the unions and need to be bailed out.

I think the problem that President Obama has faced is that he trying to solve the country's problems with his superior intellect, but the opposition is hell-bent on opposing him just to bring him down without any regard for the well-being of the country as a whole.

I believe that to be successful in the upcoming election, President Obama will have to take out his brass knuckles and subdue his opponents with more testosterone and less intellect.

You can be 100 times more intelligent than pit bull dogs, but you cannot manage them with reason.
  • Laz
  • 09-03-2011, 07:42 PM
I will admit that politics is a brutal game and regrettably it is becoming even more brutal with every election cycle.

President Obama has had a very rough year, but in my mind, he is still the best hope this country has. He has a lot of the qualities that President John F. Kennedy had, but even Kennedy had many determined adversaries who hated him.

From my perspective, this country is in the mess it is in now primarily because of three major reasons.

1. Europe has gotten itself into a very serious financial situation of its own making. That creates a loss of confidence in the economy that is spreading through out the world. If Europe goes down, it will drag the US down too. We have already had our credit downgraded.

Europe has the problem of massive debt and expensive social welfare programs. How is following that path beneficial?

2. The United States got itself into the financial mess primarily because of the imbecilic policies of Bush who rushed this country into unfunded and totally unnecessary wars that have suck the blood and treasure of this country. Then for good measure he issued tax cuts to the wealthy all of which dissipated the surplus that the Democrats had left this once great country.

Neither the tax cuts for the wealthy or the wars caused the mortgage bubble. The tax cuts for everyone might have contributed but after the tech bubble burst which Bush inherited there was no surplus and the tax cuts stabilized the economy. The mortgage bubble was caused by decades of politicians, mostly democrat, making policies that encouraged people to get loans they cannot afford. Bush inherited that also. The blame he has is not pushing hard enough to prevent the bubble. Your genious Obama made no effort to prevent the problem as a senator either.

3. The unmitigated greed of Wall Street and the incompetence of Detroit who caved in to the unions and need to be bailed out.

I agree that the unions deserve joint resposibility with management for the automakers failure. What I do not get is why the unions were paid off with a large share of GM and Chrysler stock after a government bailout. Why did the companies not follow bankruptcy law. As for wall street greed, that is why government bailouts are bad. If they are not allowed to fail there is no downside for them.

I think the problem that President Obama has faced is that he trying to solve the country's problems with his superior intellect, but the opposition is hell-bent on opposing him just to bring him down without any regard for the well-being of the country as a whole.

Superior intellect? Where have you seen that demonstrated?

I believe that to be successful in the upcoming election, President Obama will have to take out his brass knuckles and subdue his opponents with more testosterone and less intellect.

You can be 100 times more intelligent than pit bull dogs, but you cannot manage them with reason. Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Where does this fantasy of Obama's superior intellect come from?
CPT Savajo's Avatar
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
President Obama? Superior intellect? Mr. "I've been to all 57 states?" "We're here to honor the Navy Corpse-man"? Mr. Can't put a sentence together without a teleprompter?

Superior intellect? Bwahahaha!

Munchmasterman's Avatar
We make the "Made in China" labels. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Do you still tip the caddy with “when you die, on your deathbed, you will receive total consciousness”?
Munchmasterman's Avatar
President Obama? Superior intellect? Mr. "I've been to all 57 states?" "We're here to honor the Navy Corpse-man"? Mr. Can't put a sentence together without a teleprompter?

Superior intellect? Bwahahaha!

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
How valid is your opinion if you believe he doesn’t know how many states there are or that some verbal gaffs mean anything in the larger picture? It would be uninteresting to hear your gaffs if every word you said in public was recorded by someone.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Obama's Enron!

http://www.nationalreview.com/articl...ron-rich-lowry Originally Posted by CPT Savajo
Did you notice they use the name of the company for the catastrophic incident that occurred under the noses of most of the Bush administration to define the epitome for upper management corruption and malfeasance?

Did you notice that the author tried to compare Solyndra to Enron? If you didn’t laugh on your own then read up on why they are nothing even remotely the same.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
How valid is your opinion if you believe he doesn’t know how many states there are or that some verbal gaffs mean anything in the larger picture? It would be uninteresting to hear your gaffs if every word you said in public was recorded by someone. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
I'm not the President with the superior intellect. And no matter how many drinks I have, I have never forgotten how many states there are, and I have known since grade school that the p and s in corpsman are silent.

But I will remember this the next time Palin, or Perry, or any Republican makes a misstatement, and people start to criticize.

By the way, I have defended gaffes and misstatements by John Kerry and other liberals when the right wing nuts have twisted their meaning. There is no good spin on 57 states. If he were Republican, the government controlled media would have laughed him out of the race.

Did we mention the time he thanked a bunch of dead servicemen for showing up to a speech of his? My ass has intellect superior to that.