say it with ...plastic man

Plastic Man's Avatar
president donald john fucking ...trump

Ceremony's Avatar
"I, Donald J Trump, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Plastic Man's Avatar
"I, Donald J Trump, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." Originally Posted by Ceremony
and ta grabs some mother ...fucking pussy
Our First Lady is hotter than their First Lady .........
president donald john fucking ...trump

Originally Posted by Plastic Man
I'm all for trump
do you even know about pepe?
are you even on 4chan?
do you have any clue what you're posting?
OR are you just some fucking poser that thinks it's cool to post pepe and pretend they are so edgy and cool like Katy fucking perry?
I highly doubt you're really red pilled or even know the history of the memes you're posting.
Pretty sure you're just a normie poser.
Make Pepe great again?
Think it's too late...
RIP pepe you've been stolen from us and used as a mascot by the sheeple

I'm wondering what cabinet post Plastic Man is being considered for...
Secretary of Jimmieland security??
Plastic Man's Avatar
I'm all for trump
do you even know about pepe?
are you even on 4chan?
do you have any clue what you're posting?
OR are you just some fucking poser that thinks it's cool to post pepe and pretend they are so edgy and cool like Katy fucking perry?
I highly doubt you're really red pilled or even know the history of the memes you're posting.
Pretty sure you're just a normie poser.
Make Pepe great again?
Think it's too late...
RIP pepe you've been stolen from us and used as a mascot by the sheeple Originally Posted by *ShannahS*
/pol/ donts ...wants ya yer not even /b/ tier so get yer ...ass ta reddit an shut the fuck ...up

I'm wondering what cabinet post Plastic Man is being considered for...
Secretary of Jimmieland security?? Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
Secretary of De Pends
Lexxxy's Avatar
/pol/ donts ...wants ya yer not even /b/ tier so get yer ...ass ta reddit an shut the fuck ...up

...kek Originally Posted by Plastic Man
I love trump. My wife's son said pol is dangerous and pepe is a nazi. I have so many feels but I'm not a grumpy kitty about it.
*falls over dead laughing* Shannah either he did his research or has street cred lmfao.
rooster's Avatar

do you even know about pepe?
are you even on 4chan?
do you have any clue what you're posting?

....Pretty sure you're just a normie poser. Originally Posted by *ShannahS* offense, babe....I don't know ya' and got nuthin' against ya'....but...this be the most "clueless" post I've read fer awhile.

Do you actually care about pepe?...does anyone?....more importantly.. did they ever?....and do you really use the word "normie?"....

(or...alternatively....are you maybe just more witty than PM....and I'm the clueless one not getting YOU?...doubtful..but wanted to acknowledge the possibility, as I sure don't "get" lotsa things...)

Plastic Man's Avatar
plastic man ...donts ...banter ...with degenerate funnels

Chica Chaser's Avatar

Plastic Man... How long will you be gone celebrating????
We need you!!!!!!!!!!!!! offense, babe....I don't know ya' and got nuthin' against ya'....but...this be the most "clueless" post I've read fer awhile.

Do you actually care about pepe?...does anyone?....more importantly.. did they ever?....and do you really use the word "normie?"....

(or...alternatively....are you maybe just more witty than PM....and I'm the clueless one not getting YOU?...doubtful..but wanted to acknowledge the possibility, as I sure don't "get" lotsa things...)

. Originally Posted by rooster
one flew east, one flew west, one flew over the cuckoo's nest