Serious and possibly uncomfortable question that deserves a real answer

Moderator: Please remove if not allowed (but I am seriously curious)

I keep seeing politicians and media outlets equate everything about the hobby with human trafficking. They say nearly every woman is forced into it. I am seriously curious if that's the case or not. Like, did anyone who's voluntarily doing this now get forced into it and just decide to keep going? Or are they all just full of shit? I don't need gory details or personal stories, and even a PM works if you don't want it out there.

Basically, our to most likely Senate candidates in Missouri are hot to trot to end the hobby once and for all and their rhetoric is starting to piss me off.
Its bullshit...its a political push to make themselves look moral to public eye only to get caught in a sting during their stay in office
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
It's also the I don't care about constitutional rights, vote for me crap.
Savannah Moon's Avatar
It's also the I don't care about constitutional rights, vote for me crap. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
After elections you will not hear much about it.
And OP
There are a million different scenarios//
And if you want to go deeper..there is a dark side to every & any venue on this planet.
Yeah like titty clamps
Savannah Moon's Avatar
Yeah like titty clamps Originally Posted by BigDeal
dumars's Avatar
There are dark sides and dark stories to many women in this hobby. I've listened to a number of those stores and NONE, NADA, NOT ONE had anything to do with human trafficking. A box full of other factors but not trafficking.

That is not to say human trafficking does not exist. IT DOES and largely ignored or looked away from by us hobbyists. AMPs for the most part are the ones in the open! Yet, again, largely ignored. Many years ago I used to think most Asian women there were divorced from their ex GI husbands. NOPE, not so I learned!

Savannah Moon's Avatar
There are dark sides and dark stories to many women in this hobby. I've listened to a number of those stores and NONE, NADA, NOT ONE had anything to do with human trafficking. A box full of other factors but not trafficking.

That is not to say human trafficking does not exist. IT DOES and largely ignored or looked away from by us hobbyists. AMPs for the most part are the ones in the open! Yet, again, largely ignored. Many years ago I used to think most Asian women there were divorced from their ex GI husbands. NOPE, not so I learned!

Originally Posted by dumars
Is human Trafficketing the same as
"Managed " or "pimped"
And one more question.
If They were or are currently, what are the odds of those women sharing that detailed information with you, or heck, me, or anyone else ...

I'm just curious.
Wouldn't that provoke danger( for them) or negative speculation,
Or jeopardize the income of said providers or/ / owners / pimps??
dumars's Avatar
"Managed " or "pimped" - Of course!

"If They were or are currently, what are the odds of those women sharing that detailed information with you, or heck, me, or anyone else ..."

From Merriam Webster: "one in which confidence is placed"

dumars's Avatar
Can't edit my posts for some reason . . .

Never got any real, blow by blow details, didn't want to hear it anyway. Just the basic facts. That was more than enough in some cases.
sjohnlewis's Avatar
Is human Trafficketing the same as
"Managed " or "pimped"
And one more question.
If They were or are currently, what are the odds of those women sharing that detailed information with you, or heck, me, or anyone else ...

I'm just curious.
Wouldn't that provoke danger( for them) or negative speculation,
Or jeopardize the income of said providers or/ / owners / pimps?? Originally Posted by Savannah Moon
Very good questions.

Perhaps we can change the question marks?? to an emphasis !!.
Topgun007's Avatar
I believe human trafficking has to be against an individuals will. So if the escort is druged, or threatened, abused, blackmailed, etc. that is the primary explanation. One could have a pimp and not be “forced” into the situation.
Dallas, thanks so much for answering. I've never gotten the feeling anyone I was with has been forced. I've caught some interesting stories on what happened or small glimpses into their pasts, but never being forced (saw that shit stationed overseas and it never sat right with me).

Hopefully we can get these people to actually state the facts someday, or at least catch them in their lies.
I was not forced into this hobby by anyone at any point. I choose to hobby because I love it! But yes, there are people forced into the sex trade. And yes, I know someone personally who it has happened too. That is why both parties should always screen!
dumars's Avatar
Many women, in their minds at least, are not "forced". These women are the ones getting "rides" to an OC or the man friend leaves as you arrive. In any case, these men live off the women's efforts. For me, if I schedule an OC I insist the woman drive herself. I'm even leery of "Uber" or "Lyft" drivers.

Another way to feed the "forced" attitude is when the proceeds finance unsavory activities.

Last but certainly not least are financial or economic conditions in a woman's life that contribute to her being "forced" in her mind. Most especially when kids are involved. Very, VERY uncomfortable for me, at least, when I am invited in and the kids get sent away! YUK!

Another 2¢! I got lots of pocket change!!