Possible future help if ECCIE is shut down

DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Maybe this will help.

When ASPD was shut down we could access some data from the site by using this web site. It's called the wayback machine.


Hers's how it works. You enter the site, then you put in the url of whatever site of webpages you want to access. Doing this process I can go back to amazing escorts and pull up some photos and contact information of a provider. This provider goes way back to early to mid ASPD days and went by the name of Jess.

This gets me to amazing escorts web page.


Then follow the links on the page to get to Jess. A lot of pages may not work, but some may. I don't know the criteria of the work/ don't work pages. Perhaps it's the webmaster for any given site. I was surfing around and found some pictures of the great Gina. You just have to play with the site.

Type this into the url section of the wayback machine and see what you get. Some of you lucky bastards will remember her. You may have to play with the site a bit to get to her.

Basically it's a crap shoot, but if we could get with ECCIE management, there is a chance that they can save some of these pages, but you would need a URL for things like Provider Ads, etc. At this point, I'm not sure about the legalities of any of this stuff. I'm just trying to see if there are other outs to save some of this data. The review days may be on the way out, however there will always be an avenue for providers ads.

As far as this goes, I will turn this over to those who are more computer savvy than I am and those who will give the effort to see if we can save parts of this site.

Ladies, this is positive proof that your pictures may be accessible for many years to come.
HoustonDan's Avatar
Just as a note, I do believe ECCIE is hosted outside the US and is registered to a foreign company. After the dust up a few years ago when the Texas AG tried to get access to their info the mods move the site and assets overseas.

Thanks for the post, the more info we have access to moving forward the better for all of us.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Just as a note, I do believe ECCIE is hosted outside the US and is registered to a foreign company. After the dust up a few years ago when the Texas AG tried to get access to their info the mods move the site and assets overseas.

Thanks for the post, the more info we have access to moving forward the better for all of us. Originally Posted by HoustonDan
Pretty sure ECCIE's biggest competitor TER was also overseas, but they still shut their USA ad forums down last night.

More discussion in this thread: https://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=2347276

See post #55 there for a relevant comment: https://www.eccie.net/showpost.php?p...2&postcount=55
CurvyKatie's Avatar
Copying and saving your post DearJohn
Oh WOW!! I just went back and found the ad that I posted on ASPD when I came back from maternity leave!! LOL!!

I couldn't see the ad itself or my profile, but still....pretty cool.

Fancyinheels's Avatar
Interesting, John, and thank you. I can see the relevance of past data, especially in regard to reviews and alerts. Not going to be practical, effective, or helpful in all situations, of course, and accuracy of info will diminish with time.

One of my biggest concerns is that IF our sin-sational site goes dark, providers will lose the ability to check a fellow's credibility and tie him to a reputable history here. Someone can send an email/text and say he used to be ______ on ECCIE as vehemently as he wishes, toss up a link to old posts, but there will be no absolute way to PROVE it without a PM through a board that no longer exists.

I've had this happen in the past, nefarious sorts pretending to be who they weren't for questionable motivations.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Fancy, things will evolve, they always do, however we (I'm still on hiatus, not retired) just need to fill in the gap that takes us from evolving to another permanent home.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Fancy, things will evolve, they always do, however we (I'm still on hiatus, not retired) just need to fill in the gap that takes us from evolving to another permanent home. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN

True. It's not the end, just another bend in the road.

I'm giving this matter a great deal of consideration over the weekend, my future based on ECCIE's. Trying to decide if I should start a thread, post an ad, whatever. I survived the demise of ASPD and other sites, bancation, weather disasters to home and incall, Mother Nature's and Father Time's influences, but I'm thinking IF, and yes, very much an IF, ECCIE goes dark, with all of the other hurdles I've rolled through, I might be done with the public portion of the pubic program. I'm semi-retired now, only seeing a limited number of very appreciated gents a month, but I might not restore my website, might go totally UTR with randy regulars, fellows who have visited me in the past, and those I can pre-screen before fate steps in. I'd like to encourage a few more reliable Fancy fans first, however.

It's a big decision. Do I announce it or ponder some more? I don't want to be one of those ladies posting a "see me before I leave" thread and then have nothing happen! But if ECCIE folds quickly...