Veronica escort Prague Big mistake

  • 11-14-2012, 08:14 AM
I originally set out to see Veronica, it was late night, I planned to give her a call. BIG mistake. I have a feeling meeting Veronica would've been better, she is definitely the more attractive one out of the group. I now feel that her not showing her face is not just to conceal her identity, but because of her unattractive face. No makeup, bad skin, compare her looks to sunshine the teenage midget, who I reviewed her in the past. She had drooopy C cups and large rolls hidden under her dress, she looked somewhat medium built. Looked somewhat average. When I headed to the bathroom to both use it and place my donation for her, I decided that I was going to only spend 15 min with her, because I was dissapointed with her face. When she collected the donation, told me to get comfortable, ad asked me to remove my clothes, I was thoroughly dissapointed once I saw her body. I went ahead with it and she complained about me being too large for her, then said I was going to have to give a larger donation to continue because it was hurting her. Said I needed to hurry because I was hurting her, tried to be gentle but she said she was just small inside. Which was odd to me because she felt average, I've had tighter grips from women 10 years older than her. When I told her the donation I left was all I had to leave, she stopped me. I didn't even get to finish, she said time's up. Was in and out of there, . 8 gone, in 7-10 minutes. I got dressed the quickest I ever have in my life, and left. Don't make the same mistake I did, I've had a better time w/ SW than I did with her.