Silencing the Opposition

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
At least somebody understands what the NDAA is. A way to silence those opposed to the Administration. Truly horrifying!

John Stewart makes the same point in a more entertaining manner.

C'mon people! This isn't a game, or even a partisan argument. Both parties have CO-OPERATED to take away liberty! They ALL should be removed from office! This is one of the final steps to a police state, and no one gives a shit. Unbelievable!

Iaintliein's Avatar
At least somebody understands what the NDAA is. A way to silence those opposed to the Administration. Truly horrifying!

John Stewart makes the same point in a more entertaining manner.

C'mon people! This isn't a game, or even a partisan argument. Both parties have CO-OPERATED to take away liberty! They ALL should be removed from office! This is one of the final steps to a police state, and no one gives a shit. Unbelievable!

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

I don't think there's any gong back. The communists on the left and the evangelicals on the right both want the police state, they just want to use it for different things. The libertarians are crucified every time they raise their heads and even that party's platform calls for essentially open borders which keeps them from being a viable option.

The TEA movement is the biggest mobilization of limited government voters I'm aware of, and yet, despite the movement's influence, look at the choices the GOP has come up with for front runners; the big government so-con Santorum, the big government pseudo liberal Romney and the big government professional politician Gingrich.

It's too bad Cain didn't understand the Constitution better and West chose not to run.
anaximander's Avatar
It's not good and it looks like sheik hussein
is starting to accelerate his agenda.

I don't think the obama(pbuh) apologists here are
quite aware just how bad things could get
if the sheik goes total mao.

Everyone on this site has demonstrated a clear
and intentional disregard for state laws.
If they so desired a multijurisdictional
task force using fbi, ice,and irs could wipe
us all out. Shake down ip providers to
ferret us out provider and hobbiest alike.

This govt is burning through money faster
than they can print it. There is no telling
what they will resort to for raising revenue.

Wouldn't anybody in the civie world
shed a tear over it either.

A strong argument to drop and go utr.
LovingKayla's Avatar
God, Gold, and Guns boys. Get em while you can.
Iaintliein's Avatar
God, Gold, and Guns boys. Get em while you can. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
I asked an attractive young financial adviser a year or so ago what she was investing in. "Metals," she said.

"Gold and Silver?"

"Brass and lead" was her quick reply, "5,000 rds each of .223 and 9mm".
You all are over reacting on this one......even staunch conservative Rep. Gohmert disagrees with your over the top assesment of NDAA.........Gohmert is a bonified Constitutional Conservative !

Rep. Gohmert Votes for the National Defense Authorization Act
December 14, 2011

Washington - Rep. Louie Gohmert (TX-01) released the following statement after voting in favor of H.R. 1540 - The National Defense Authorization Act:
“One of the most important duties Congress is tasked with is laid out in Article 1, Section 8: to ‘provide for the common defense’ of this nation. The National Defense Authorization Act contained numerous provisions I was pleased with, while at the same time contained provisions that caused serious concern. After much deliberation and review, I ultimately decided to support this legislation.
We must first and foremost provide the necessary resources for the brave men and women who sacrifice for us. This bill does that. We needed a clear definition of what it means to be an avowed terrorist - sworn to destroy our country. This bill does that. We must extend the prohibition on funds from transferring Guantanamo Bay detainees to the U.S. or a foreign country. This bill does that. This bill even contains a conscience clause protecting military chaplains who cannot, in good conscience, perform same sex marriage based on their moral principles. There is a lot to support in this bill.
However, I do remain concerned with the vague language prohibiting this legislation from being used against American citizens as written in Sections 1021 and 1022. This bill did not create the problem; however, it does not resolve it. That must be a bill that comes from the Judiciary Committee under House Rules. I have received a commitment from our leadership, including the Speaker himself, that we will fix this problem, after getting input from our best conservative Constitutional experts, with a separate bill. Since the NDAA bill did not create this problem, it was not necessary it be fixed here; but, the proper remedy will be carried out.”
Important Provisions of H.R. 1540 considered by Rep. Gohmert in his decision to vote in favor of this legislation:
- Attempts to clarify the scope of terrorist detention authority already given to the President under the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF).
- Specifically states that this terrorist detention authority does not “affect existing law or authorities relating to the detention of United States citizens . . . or any other persons who are captured or arrested in the United States.”
- This language regarding American citizens is a step in the right direction, but we must do more to clean up this language to further guarantee the protection of American citizens from indefinite detention. I have been given assurances from Leadership that we will work on cleaning up this language after the first of the year.
- In response to the Ft. Hood terrorist attack, the bill includes multiple provisions that will protect soldiers and civilian defense employees from retaliation for reporting violent Islamic extremist activity. In addition to Whistleblower protection language, the bill also requires the Secretary of Defense to produce guidelines to ensure that military and civilian law enforcement receive “Active Shooter Training.”
- Continues to provide our military with the necessary resources to provide for our defense while maintaining our commitment to fiscal responsibility.
- Contains a conscience clause protecting military chaplains who do not want to perform same sex marriage based on conscience or moral principles.
- Reaffirms the Authorization for Use of Military Force for the President to authorize the military to detain terrorists in the war on terror.
- Extends the prohibition on funds from transferring Guantanamo Bay detainees to the U.S. or a foreign country.
- Authorizes additional domestic and regional missile defense systems to protect the U.S.
- Provides additional resources for U.S.-Israeli cooperative missile defense programs.
- Limit funds from going toward nuclear security in China until U.S. officials certify that China develops practices to improve proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

Congressman Louie Gohmert is the Vice Chair of the Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security. Prior to being elected to serve in Congress, Louie was elected to three terms as District Judge in Smith County, Texas. He also served as Chief Justice of Texas'12th Court
You left out the other "G" LK,,,,,,Grub (land or k-rations)

God, Gold, and Guns boys. Get em while you can. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
LovingKayla's Avatar
OH you're right... Land WITH water.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-06-2012, 09:26 AM
God, Gold, and Guns boys. Get em while you can. Originally Posted by LovingKayla

Don't forget Pussy!

Without it, none of that other shit is worth fighting for!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Wow, that's a relief. The leadership promised to "fix the language" sometime in the future. I feel much better now. THEY DIDN'T HAVE TO HAVE THAT LANGUAGE IN THERE! THERE WERE AMENDMENTS TO REMOVE THAT LANGUAGE WHICH WERE VOTED DOWN!

This is insane. You can't POSSIBLY trust the government to fix this later, when they could have fixed it before the bill went to the President. No wonder the fascists are taking over. We're letting them.
You're missing the point; the NDAA bill didn't create the problem that is boiling your blood pressure Old Guy.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
No, the problem started long ago, but this is the most overt statement of tyranny we have seen. It needs to be stopped now.
anaximander's Avatar
No doubt I'm suprised at rep gohmert.
A bill is a legal contract.
You don't sign a friggin contract under the
assumption it's shortcomings will be addressed
at a later date. For until such are corrected
what stands is the law of the land.

Standing of posses comitatus is now limbo.
Not supposed to use military on US soil
against citizens.
Yeah well you aren't supposed to make
recess appointments when congress
is not in recess either.

These people don't care what we say.
They are daring us to do something.
I B Hankering's Avatar
This disclaimer is included in Section 1032 of the NDAA:

(1) UNITED STATES CITIZENS.—The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States.

Such a disclaimer is conspicuously absent from Section 1031. That is cause for concern.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
"The requirement to detain" does not apply to citizens. However, that does not mean they can't be detained, it's just that the military is not required to detain them. Whether the citizen is detained is ultimately left up to the discretion of the President.