No Ground Troops in Libya?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Well, that was then, this is now. 12,000 troops in Libya. I can't believe it.

I B Hankering's Avatar
bu..but I INHERITED this mess. "No blood for Oil." Stop the drone strikes...

Bush III
I B Hankering's Avatar
Libya: Gaddafi Loyalists Seize Bani Walid

BENGHAZI, Libya — Moammar Gadhafi loyalists seized control of a Libyan city and raised the ousted regime's green flag, an official and military commanders said Tuesday, in the most serious revolt yet against the country's government.
bu..but I INHERITED this mess. "No blood for Oil." Stop the drone strikes...

Bush III Originally Posted by gnadfly
Yep, that's what I heard too.
I B Hankering's Avatar
US forces free aid workers held in Somalia

(AFP) – 3 hours ago
MOGADISHU — US special forces swooped into Somalia early Wednesday to rescue two aid workers, an American woman and a Danish man held hostage for the past three months, security officials said Wednesday.

US Navy SEALs aboard at least six military helicopters flew in low over central Somalia to surprise the kidnappers in a pre-dawn raid, killing in a gunbattle, several officials said.
bu..but I INHERITED this mess. "No blood for Oil." Stop the drone strikes... Originally Posted by gnadfly

Sweet! Welcome to the real world, Turdfly. What took you so long?

I read hundreds, if not thousands of your crazy, off the wall, neo-con posts following the ill fated spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq. I can not recall a single time that you complained. You were too busy slobbering on Dubs schlong to complain about the War in Iraq.

Give me a buzz when the price-tag in Libya reaches $1 trillion and 4500+ American lives.
Rakhir's Avatar
Not only that but Chairman MaObama has now put troops into Africa as well.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
For the record, I have been consistently against undeclared wars since VietNam. Including Saint Ronald's invasion of Grenada.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I wonder if you were against the Mayaguez rescue under Ford?