Who is open?

I am coming up tomorrow and was wondering if Totally You, or Jockey are open? Any other places worth checking out during the mid afternoon?
I don't know that any of them are with the current restrictions in place....haven't checked but still
Chickie's Avatar
The best way is to call

(814) 459-5911
Totally You
I just came from there. They are closed. No notice of when they will reopen.
Did you try to call? I have no info to add, nor any inside info to go by, but I did something similar years back. There was a massage place called North Coast. Their first location fell apart--literally, a staircase fell off the wall. They got chased out of the second one and closed. I called the number months later and the lady said, "North Coast is closed for good now....pause...but if you NEED some help..." 'Nuff said.
Chickie's Avatar
I remember North Coast, used to locate on Peach, very sketch place.