The Boundaries and Margins of BBWism

awl4knot's Avatar
I had a great session with a young woman in Philadelphia and in our post encounter thank you emails I made the mistake of referring to her as a "gorgeous BBW".

I received a nice, but firm reply that I was wrong because the BBW classification begins at size 14 and she is a mere size 10.

I don't want to get in a semantics tussle with her, and although she is facially beautiful and has wonderful breasts, she does have an abundance of avoirdupois. I am completely accepting of her ripe beauty, but I think she is a bit delusional in rejecting the BBW description.

So I am going to the sages, scholars, shamans and charlatans on this board for guidance. When is a lady a true BBW? Are there objective standards or is it a subjective one, where you know one when you see one? I would like to avoid embarrassment in the future.

I'm going to have some ribs, beer and potato salad while I wait for your guidance and wisdom. I now want to be a BBM.

  • PullT
  • 05-30-2010, 04:12 PM
Not sure I have any hard and fast standards or firm cutoffs, but l wouldn't consider a woman who was a size 10 a BBW at all.
I have seen a couple of ladies on this board who describe themselves as BBWs.

I would not presume to describe a lady as BBW unless she does so herself. Now, I may think she is a BBW, but I wouldn't put it out there publicly. There are lots of reasons for this, so I won't try and list them...I'd miss a few anyway.

And where do you draw the line between a little extra padding and BBW? Or a skinny lady and a medium sized one? It's a Pandora's Box you slip into when you describe a lady outside her own description of herself.

I try to stick to facts, not opinions in this area. For instance, I might say her P411 profile is accurate (or her Showcase, or her pics).

In the end, we risk the provider's wrath when we move from the objective to the subjective. Subjective judgments tend to be contrary to the provider's judgment and such judgments may limit future clientele.

I know what kind of body I prefer when when perusing P411 or the ECCIE Showcases. And I eliminate providers pretty quickly based on some of that criteria. Are there other factors? Sure.

However, when writing a review, do I apply a subjective quality to a lady's body? I try not to. What I try to do is reflect whether or not the facts stated in her P411, Showcase or website is correct, IMHO.
  • Bliss
  • 05-30-2010, 04:15 PM
I would have to say I agree that bbw starts at size 14. There is a broad range of body types that fall under that category though. There is petite spinner, buff athletic builds, curvy, even "chunky" doesn't qualify as bbw. It's all pretty subjective. But, if she is indeed a size 10, I would not consider that bbw.
gimme_that's Avatar
Totally subjective at times. Defintely cant use a rule of 100 or even 150 in this case(the addition of her 3 sizes). I think BBW isnt so much a waists size for some people. Take for instance this lady. She classified herself as BBW on her p411, but seems to be just thick to me which is in stark contrasts to how normal BBWs look.

I'm thinking BBW would have to be more suited to overall body appearance say like a Monique or the girl in Precious. If she has a protruding belly that extends past and below her pubic hair, rolls or extra padding on her belly and legs that is very noticeable to the eye, etc. she might be a BBW. But it seems BBW for the most part is more suited to weight an body appearance. I consider a woman thick if she is between 140 to 165 and very curvy. Softball player sized woman are somewhere in between. There are some exceptions to those weights, but generally BBWS are 180 or more in weight.
atlcomedy's Avatar
I have seen a couple of ladies on this board who describe themselves as BBWs.

I would not presume to describe a lady as BBW unless she does so herself. Now, I may think she is a BBW, but I wouldn't put it out there publicly. There are lots of reasons for this, so I won't try and list them...I'd miss a few anyway.

And where do you draw the line between a little extra padding and BBW? Or a skinny lady and a medium sized one? It's a Pandora's Box you slip into when you describe a lady outside her own description of herself.

. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Yeah I would never presume to describe a woman's body type of any size. It is a no win situation.

It's like when your wife/SO asks, "does this dress make me look fat...."

Totally subjective at times. Defintely cant use a rule of 100 or even 150 in this case(the addition of her 3 sizes). I think BBW isnt so much a waists size for some people. . Originally Posted by gimme_that

agree. weight or waist size are misleading without the context of where the weight is distributed or her height....

Beyond that I have problems with the term in general...(and yes I'm aware of women of all sizes that take liberties with their descriptors...) Big, Beautiful, Woman. Sure I know we are all beautiful in our own way & beauty is in the eye of the beholder blah, blah, blah... but a lot of women that use the term resemble an out-of-shape lineman that just got cut by the Jets.

It is so overused that I read it and translate as "fat." There is nothing wrong with a larger woman & there truly are larger woman that are beautiful and sexually attractive...but speaking only for myself, I suggest avoiding the term in your advertising as I think it has a negative connotation.
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
My pant size is a 14, yet most of all my "reviewers" state I am not a BBW. Now I am confused! LOL

I really dont give a hoot. If ya like what I got, call me. If you dont, call someone else. I am smoking hot. And even if no one calls, I can turn myself on. LOL

BBW is a tough one. I don't think even a size 14 should be a stead fast rule. I know several women who are a 14 and they don't look it. I describe myself as "a biscuit shy". I'm a bigger woman but not a BBW.

What are the physical characteristics of a BBW? Is she shorter than she is around? Is her middle bigger than her hips? Is it a "fold" issue? Is it about proportions? Breast size might vary too much. What do you think are the characteristics of a BBW?
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 05-30-2010, 05:40 PM
...If she has a protruding belly that extends past and below her pubic hair, rolls or extra padding on her belly and legs that is very noticeable to the eye, etc. she might be a BBW... Originally Posted by gimme_that
Dude, I was tracking ya until that part. Might be? Might even be B(eyond)BBW.

The dress size criterion...I dunno. My friend, the lingerie specialist, informs me that women's so-called sizes have experienced dramatic inflation (or would it be deflation?) over the years. If you are a 14 today you'd have been a 40 in 1905. And how can anyone who would've EVER been a 40 be considered not BBW?

It's a good question because, especially at the margins, it really is hard to define. You're right about that, awl4knot. In the grey zones it's kind of "You Know It When You See It." Post us a link to this gal's photos and the combined wisdom of the eccie SSS&C Club will be brought to bear upon your inquiry. I'm certain you'll have your answer.
awl4knot's Avatar

I like your compromise description: "thick" but while my honey meets your criteria, in my core she is a BBW.

But I appreciate the realistic view point that no woman is a BBW until she self-designates as such.

Here is the funny thing. I've spent a life time concentrating on the skinny ones. Through serendipity I find a facially gorgeous, sexually advanced and super intelligent "thick" girl who gave me an afternoon of great fun. Maybe I should ignore labels.

The dress size criterion...I dunno. Originally Posted by jfred
In high school I had a friend whose Mom owned a clothing boutique. Whenever she got a shipment of dresses in, she routinely spent a day marking the sizes of the dresses down one or two sizes.

Made them easier to sell to size-conscious women.

Dress sizes don't mean a thing.

I like your compromise description: "thick" but while my honey meets your criteria, in my core she is a BBW.

But I appreciate the realistic view point that no woman is a BBW until she self-designates as such.

Here is the funny thing. I've spent a life time concentrating on the skinny ones. Through serendipity I find a facially gorgeous, sexually advanced and super intelligent "thick" girl who gave me an afternoon of great fun. Maybe I should ignore labels.

Awl4knot Originally Posted by awl4knot
You just gave yourself the best advice, EVER!

Isn't self realization such of a wonderful thing?
If you look at Marilyn Monroe's height, weight, and measurements, she would be considered a BBW by todays standards. Looked pretty good to me!
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
If you look at Marilyn Monroe's height, weight, and measurements, she would be considered a BBW by todays standards. Looked pretty good to me! Originally Posted by Sweet Heather

Now this is something I definately agree with you on. Very true. This is also very true for Cindy Crawford, Claudia Schiffer, Mae West, Betty Paige, And Betty Grable. Some of the best and most beautiful women ever, IMO.
Oh and wouldnt you know it: Size 14 AND poster 14! LOL

Cpalmson's Avatar
Size is in the eye of the beholder. I know there are clients who have a fetish for larger size women. I also know provider who market themselves to these clients. On the flip side, there are clients who would consider any provider larger than a size 4 to be a BBW. It is all subjective. As a client, you determine the type of provider who you want to see. Some like a hot spinner; others are attracted to qualities that are non-physical in nature. I have my particular type; you have yours.....