
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
Are people going to ever stop having kids?
At what point does someone say, no, I won't have kids?
or is not having kids up to someone else?

Just The Facts

  1. The world's population is estimated to be near 6.9 billion people and is rapidly increasing.
  2. Hundreds of thousands of babies are born each day.
  3. Overpopulation is more likely to cause the apocalypse than zombies.
The Cold, Hard Truth

Every day, about 360,000 children are born. Hundreds of new Braydens, Mohammads, and Chens are handed off to parents of varying wealth, age, and competence. But what many of them don't realize is their little bundle of joy (or little accident, depending on their situation) really does affect the Earth's supply of resources.

Think of it this way: When parents have children, they are basically spawning out replacements of themselves to the next generation. A couple with two kids contributes an equal amount to the next generation, a couple with no children doesn't contribute, a couple with four children contributes enough people for themselves and the couple with no children, and so on. If more children are born than there are adults, the population increases. That's bad, especially in first world countries (read: where you live), where our standard of living is high.

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and no, its not selffish to NOT want kids, its selfish to have kids
People should have all the kids they want. If it makes them happy and can afford to take care of them without taxpayer assistance. It pisses me off to see a young couple, well dressed, fake tans, nice car, with 2 kids, and she is pregnant again, using taxpayer money to pay for their groceries. It is daytime and neither are at work. I realize maybe they just fell into this, but I doubt it. They were too relaxed and carefree as they went about their business.
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
People should have all the kids they want. If it makes them happy and can afford to take care of them without taxpayer assistance. It pisses me off to see a young couple, well dressed, fake tans, nice car, with 2 kids, and she is pregnant again, using taxpayer money to pay for their groceries. It is daytime and neither are at work. I realize maybe they just fell into this, but I doubt it. They were too relaxed and carefree as they went about their business. Originally Posted by vitokc
I agree, they can have as many kids as they want, as long as they pay for it themselves.
that's just not how it happens though and we all end up paying for someone elses, "freedom"

long term, this is bad news
Helicopter206's Avatar
People should have all the kids they want. If it makes them happy and can afford to take care of them without taxpayer assistance. It pisses me off to see a young couple, well dressed, fake tans, nice car, with 2 kids, and she is pregnant again, using taxpayer money to pay for their groceries. It is daytime and neither are at work. I realize maybe they just fell into this, but I doubt it. They were too relaxed and carefree as they went about their business. Originally Posted by vitokc
What you just saw was a Provider on her day off, hanging out with her pimp... LOL
What you just saw was a Provider on her day off, hanging out with her pimp... LOL Originally Posted by Helicopter206

You know, I had that thought. I said fake tans, but only she had the fake tan.She had plenty of jewelry, piercings and tatoos. The guy was a light black, or mixed race. The car had the tinted windows and nice wheels. I left al that out intentionally, but since it was brought up....use your imagination.
blk07lac's Avatar
So we are all clear you saw a white girl with 2 kids and she is currently pregnant at a grocery store with a light black, and all of that made her a provider with her pimp on her day off? Wow..
bluegrana's Avatar

Just The Facts

3. Overpopulation is more likely to cause the apocalypse than zombies.
Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
Is that really a fact?
So we are all clear you saw a white girl with 2 kids and she is currently pregnant at a grocery store with a light black, and all of that made her a provider with her pimp on her day off? Wow.. Originally Posted by blk07lac

Read again. I said I had that thought and intentionally left out the details so I would not stereotype. I did not use the word pimp. I also said that they may have just fallen into that situation, thought I had my doubts. It had more to do with their behavior than race. Nice car, paying with government money, simply saying draw your own conclusion. I won't apologize for how I described what I saw. I was just having fun with the helicopter man.
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
So we are all clear you saw a white girl with 2 kids and she is currently pregnant at a grocery store with a light black, and all of that made her a provider with her pimp on her day off? Wow.. Originally Posted by blk07lac
how do you know what she's pregnant with?
are you "Maury" Povich?
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
Is that really a fact? Originally Posted by bluegrana
Yes it is from the source I quoted
algrace's Avatar

Just The Facts
3. Overpopulation is more likely to cause the apocalypse than zombies. Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
Is that really a fact? Originally Posted by bluegrana
Yes it is from the source I quoted
Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
Right...the cracked article lacking references and no author's name published.

Just take BCPL word for it, overpopulation is more likely to end earth than zombies.
Zombies certainly have been popularized by Hollywood as an apocalyptic science fiction scenario. Overpopulation is more a documentary topic and lacks potential for box office earnings.

Next up, water conservation and how one less shower a day can save the world. Sure, it may be a well-intended cause. My point is every topic has a place and time.
I wouldn't ask a provider to skip a shower ahead of my visit. Combine that sentiment with the majority of provider showcases displaying something to the effect of "Likes: clean men Dislikes: poor hygiene," and the topic of water conservation would likely be less favored with this board's audience.

The majority of us celebrated Mother's Day just a few short weeks ago, and Father's Day is a couple weeks away. OP, please provide some positive thoughts generated by the discussion of having two or fewer children. Is the concern that providers and hobbyists are procreating more than the average and your post was intended to persuade this board's audience?
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
Next up, water conservation and how one less shower a day can save the world. Sure, it may be a well-intended cause. My point is every topic has a place and time.
I wouldn't ask a provider to skip a shower ahead of my visit. Combine that sentiment with the majority of provider showcases displaying something to the effect of "Likes: clean men Dislikes: poor hygiene," and the topic of water conservation would likely be less favored with this board's audience.

The majority of us celebrated Mother's Day just a few short weeks ago, and Father's Day is a couple weeks away. OP, please provide some positive thoughts generated by the discussion of having two or fewer children. Is the concern that providers and hobbyists are procreating more than the average and your post was intended to persuade this board's audience? Originally Posted by algrace
I am not sure how you came to compare water to paying for kids?

I made my position crystal clear
have as many kids as you want, I just don't want to spend my tax dollars on them.
I want to spend my tax dollars on stuff that directly helps me, like roads, clean air, etc

I agree, they can have as many kids as they want, as long as they pay for it themselves.
that's just not how it happens though and we all end up paying for someone elses, "freedom"

long term, this is bad news Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
blk07lac's Avatar
how do you know what she's pregnant with?
are you "Maury" Povich? Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
If you read what I am replying to it clearly states she was with a light black! I didn't say the baby was of any race. It's a good practice not to drink and type.
Mistakes cause people.
BigMikeinKC's Avatar
Since you don't want kids, have you gotten yourself snipped yet?