It's not that Liberals want to think this and / or even trying to be mean spirited or condescending, they think it out of basic deductive reasoning centered on several premises.
Why would you any reasonable person vote for Donald Trump? You guys say 1.) you're doing it because he's an outsider and not a career politician 2.) he's not beholden to the Republican establishment and 3.) he he's not politically correct.
So in other words he's a dumber version of Ted Cruz and this is why it's hard to respect what you claim to be for. Ted Cruz is not a career politician, Cruz is the most hated in all of Congress by his own party, he routinely bucked the system and is totally NON PC. He's everything you red meat lovers claim you wanted.
This is why Liberals think you guys are just flat out stupid. It's not about disrespecting you it's about you being totally ignorant to your own beliefs. If you had any core you would have voted for Ted Cruz who not only is a more polarizing figure than Trump but Cruz is actually smart and more importantly he's a PROVEN CONSERVATIVE, something that Trump (a life long democrat) clearly is NOT. Lastly Cruz didn't bankrupt company after company.
Again this is why Liberals think you guys are just straight up stupid you cannot reasonably explain why you would pick a guy like Trump over Cruz, there's no basis or justification for this level of stupidity. There's simply no good explanation for it not if you were ever truly serious about winning the Presidency. Trump will give you cheap laughs and thrills and make you want to punch your opponent in the face with his crassness but in the end he will lose you the election.
It's a good thing this charlatan came along and pulled the wool over your eyes. Trump pulled off the biggest con job on you guys in history, and you won't realize it until after the election.
Because once he loses he will not be concerned at all about politics in ANY WAY. Him running was, is, and has always been about him and him only. You folks should have been focused on someone like Cruz who even after losing would still be fighting for your causes. This is why it's clear you guys made a ill informed decision you just couldn't see the forest for the trees and that's unfortunate for you.