Ill Conceived Group Text

DownForWhatever's Avatar
First of all, I'm not trying to create any drama for a certain provider. Her intentions were good, but ill conceived (may have been a celebratory beverage involved) and actually pretty funny in the end.

On New Years Eve, I got a "Happy New Year" text from one of my regular providers.


...until I realized that she'd sent a Group Text to about 60 people...FUUUUUUCK!

Stupid fucktards started to replying to it, until it became obvious that they were all outing themselves in the process. Everything took care of itself in a couple of days, and all went silent....

...until this morning, when some jack-ass named Pablo, in Tampa Bay, fired up the the thread again at 5:15 am and the shit hit the fan all over again and erupted into a major flame-a-thon...meanwhile the fucktards were all just outing themselves all over again.

Let's just say that neither Pablo or the instigating provider are very popular right now....but it looks like it's finally starting to calm down again....hopefully never to resurface.
ElBombero's Avatar
You can remove yourself from the group, no?
This is an important thread and folks should definitely pay attention to it.

I made the mistake early on in my hobby career ... not on group text ... but an EMAIL offering a special to my current and favorite clients, unfortunately .... I did not Blind CC .... I just CC'd ... which gave out all emails ..... and some were personals ... who had not created a hobby email.

And so ... yeah ... I got raked over the coals for that one.
It was a tough lesson to learn.

Luckily - nobody got busted or anything ... but it sure did have a panic affect on most everybody that was on the list

I was no doubt - the fucktard princess at that point in time.

Anyways, just an important reminder to providers to be careful even though ... as DFW said ... you have good intentions.

DownForWhatever's Avatar
You can remove yourself from the group, no? Originally Posted by ElBombero
No....cuz my phone number is still on everyone else's phone logs. policy is radio silence.

Torre's case is a little more complicated...YIKES!
FunInDFW's Avatar
Provider is an idiot to send a group text. Pretty simple. As for what you can do, probably just block all the numbers and be done with it. Too late at this point.
verygood69's Avatar
This is an important thread and folks should definitely pay attention to it.

I made the mistake early on in my hobby career ... not on group text ... but an EMAIL offering a special to my current and favorite clients, unfortunately .... I did not Blind CC .... I just CC'd ... which gave out all emails ..... and some were personals ... who had not created a hobby email.

And so ... yeah ... I got raked over the coals for that one.
It was a tough lesson to learn.

Luckily - nobody got busted or anything ... but it sure did have a panic affect on most everybody that was on the list

I was no doubt - the fucktard princess at that point in time.

Anyways, just an important reminder to providers to be careful even though ... as DFW said ... you have good intentions.

Torre Originally Posted by Torre Tames
Awwwww heck, you left me off of that email ;(
Bluesplyr's Avatar you are saying that you dont have a hobby only phone?
DownForWhatever's Avatar you are saying that you dont have a hobby only phone? Originally Posted by Bluesplyr

And, I never replied.

Many who did reply showed their names and phone numbers via Caller ID.

Bluesplyr's Avatar
name and phone number..yikes that is not good at all.
Damn! That's just messy and unprofessional. I learned a few facts regarding technological safety recently. One is: the burden of proof is much lower and it's much easier for LE to surveil text messages than it is for them to tap phone calls.

Play smart y'all. you are saying that you dont have a hobby only phone? Originally Posted by Bluesplyr
@ $0.20 a text in and out that day, it would eat my hobby phone # monies.
"Go Phone" 365 days for $100 would be gone @ 500 text and the $1 for days used..
So the first text out cost $1.20.
The trick is to only use it on the day of play.
@ $0.20 a text in and out that day, it would eat my hobby phone # monies.
"Go Phone" 365 days for $100 would be gone @ 500 text and the $1 for days used..
So the first text out cost $1.20.
The trick is to only use it on the day of play. Originally Posted by BossyWillson
Or just get a text free app. They can also send and receive calls and you can hide the app on private mode on droid.

This is a free easy way to have a hobby number. No sympathy to anyone using their personal number