Kate Upton

mandroid66's Avatar
I used to think she was a good looking girl with a great body. After watching this video; I'm in love.


I think I'll put it on an infinite loop on my computer.

Whoever is reading this post right now I'm surprised you can't hear the flap, flap, flap sounds and yes probably only 3 flaps are needed.
awl4knot's Avatar
She is doing the Cat Daddy, which is a derivative of the Dougie.

Do you know what a "Cat Daddy" is? It's a guy over 55 who is dangerously sexy. Do you know any Cat Daddies? I do.

What I love about this dance is how you lower your body and rotate your arms like you are moving a wheelchair. These kids have no respect for their elders. Seriously, wheelchairs at 55...