Does Fucking A Hooker Younger Than Your Daughter Cause You Angst?

citizen44's Avatar
Fortunately I do not have this issue, though I will admit to a good bit of soul searching about even seeing providers who are 18 or 19 when I first got into the hobby.

I can only imagine how bad it would be for your spouse and 25 year old daughters to find out that you were nailing some 18 year old hookers. I'm thinking Christmas would be pretty lonely.
cabletex7's Avatar
I'm thinking Christmas would be pretty lonely. Originally Posted by citizen44
There are providers available on Christmas.
danceman's Avatar
uh, no.
Asfaloth54's Avatar
Why would it be an issue? Are you Trump? Do you fantasize about fucking your daughter? If not, an adult escorts age should be irrelevant.
ck1942's Avatar
Since I am older than dirt, obviously I now am older than 99 pct of all the providers I have "known" within the past few decades.

But, back when, yes, it was sometimes awkward during my 40's & 50's -- but for the most part any uncomfortable feeling was quickly erased by various strains of "honey" and multiple lips on my throbbing c*ck.

= = = = =

Since many gents who knew me in person had similar qualms at times, my response to them was usually:

Staff Edit: Reference to minors have no place on this site.

Worked for me, so I assumed worked for them.
There probably are people who prefer ages but I'm 25 and most of the men I'm with are 10 years or more older than me.
I guess you have to turn your brain off, same with stripers. They have a short attention span and can't hold a conversation...

Not all, but most.
James1588's Avatar
There probably are people who prefer ages but I'm 25 and most of the men I'm with are 10 years or more older than me. Originally Posted by SkylerScarlett
"10 years older" wouldn't be a problem, even slightly. If I were fortunate enough to meet you, that would be a matter of my being, let's see, 37 years older. All things being equal, yes, that would weird me out some.

All things are hardly ever equal, though. Maturity and calendar age aren't rigidly related. So I'll say I only climb into bed with a mature woman, not a girl. There are certainly some 50-year-old little girls running around; conversely, there are some mature women in their twenties.

My daughter's 31 this year. I've not seen any professional companions that young. I suppose that if I stay in "this" for another decade, there's a chance that I might share the joys of the flesh with a woman younger than my daughter. That won't really enter into my thinking, though; a woman in her mid-thirties and up is typically completely mature.
Hell, some of the providers I see are younger than my granddaughter!! It doesn't bother me any - they're not my granddaughter.
RochBob's Avatar
I guess its all relative. Some guys don't care about a Providers age. They just want a piece of strange. Others with a bit more moral fiber do. Most of the verified Providers on this board are older than 20. So as long as they are over 18 ("Legal Age") and making their own life choices. I personally would be "ok" with seeing them.

Actually one of my "Bucket List" items is doing an 18 Year old. I never did one when I was 18 myself. Uncle Sam saw to it that that didn't happen even though a couple of Ladies were interested.

Most of the Ladies I have seen since I started Hobbying have been around my age. A couple of them when I first started were much older than me (10 plus years). Recently I have seen a couple in their late Twenties. They were a lot of fun and we had a good time together (which is why we're into hobbying in the first place, right?). And it seems by way of reading some Ladies profiles & ads that Provider's of all ages prefer older clients. Why that might be I won't speculate on here.
More than 2/3 of the providers I have seen are younger than my daughter. The first few were a little bit of an issue, but when I get with a hot 19-26 year old, my daughter is the furthest thing from my mind.
Actually makes my cock even harder if she tells me she is 18 or long as she is out of HS, then all is good with the world
Cpalmson's Avatar
Good question and even harder to ponder. It wouldn't matter to me if I didn't know the girl. The only awkward thing would be is if the girl was in my daughter's circle of friends. Even worse if you didn't know at the time and she says, "Hey aren't you so and so's dad".
albundy's Avatar
Hell, some of the providers I see are younger than my granddaughter!! It doesn't bother me any - they're not my granddaughter. Originally Posted by biggeorge565
THIS!!!! Truth!!!

Every provider is SOMEONE'S daughter, possibly sister or mother. I don't get why fucking a twenty-something year old hooker would bother any guy. I mean, who fantasizes about 60-something year old women?!? Of COURSE, it's the younger chicks most guys fantasize about, so that's the chicks we rent.
  • Ni2ck
  • 10-23-2016, 09:18 PM
How would you be able to actually verify their age? I'm sure a lady in her 30s could say she's 20 and there's no way to really tell. I've met some really smoking 40 year olds that could pass for 20.