Is your board persona...

Eccie Addict's Avatar extension of who you really are or do you go out of your way to be someone totally different.

Personally I think whether you go out of your way or not it's still a part of who you are and the way you see things. It's still you that's behind the keyboard typing it.

Ever met someone off the board in person and thought "wow you're so different in person" good or bad. What goes through your mind when you experience that?

Just found the thought of board personas and real life personas and how they may differ or be the same to be interesting
London Rayne's Avatar
I'm funny and out there, but not as b*tchy. How could I possibly be lol. I would go broke both here and in the real world.
I am pretty much the same in person as I appear here.

Physically, I am probably not what you would expect. Being 64, I suspect most would picture a dried up old prune with man boobs and a gut that is a monument to a dead dick.

Except for my ATF, and a few other Ladies who have seen me, most would be rather surprised.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Nope. I post here for shits and giggles. As you can see, I do not advertise anywhere on this board. My ECCIE persona is one thing, I don't post on other boards I use for business the way I do here. For example: I only have 20 posts on TER LOL!
Just being honest.

My offline persona is well ....kind, sweet, always trying to help everyone .. --- Just ask my friends .
Eccie Addict's Avatar
You're still the person typing the message you're posting though. If you post the way you do just for grins then it means you don't mind offending people. Most don't do it in person cause they can't just log off and run away. I'm not saying anyone in particular is this way as I haven't met some in person yet.

I think that whatever you post here is still a part of who you are. Most will be who they are when there's no consequences for what they say and are different in person cause they are more than likely to be held accountable on the spot.

This has been going on forever since they started the internet stuff.
London Rayne's Avatar
Well that's certainly true, but in the real world I am not arguing over rates and services with men who pay me for sex. There is no reason to "type" anything offensive, because those topics are not discussed. I have no choice but to act accordingly in a professional setting or when I am with my family, but yes...the b*tch comes out once in a while.
I don't think its fair for you to say that you have no choice but to act a certain way London. You act one way with your family and then you act another with clients. But, its the way that clients treat you that will determine your behavior in return.

BTW, that's not a bad thing either. So, don't read anything into it.

But, to the question of topic.......

Everyone acts big, tough, knowitall, etc. behind a computer. Some do it because they can't be that way in real life, some do it because its just the way they are. But, the board persona the people have is usually an extention of their real life.

What I type is me, take it or leave it. I speak my mind and usually say what others think and wish they could say, but are afraid of doing so. Sometimes I say it the right way, other times I say it the wrong way. I make mistakes just like everyone else.

Do I come across as bitchy on the board, sometimes. But, I can come across as bitchy in real life too because I refuse to be a doormat. I am the best friend a person could have once we get to know each other and will give the shirt off my back for you if you needed it. I like to joke around and have fun. Too much of the board starts to jade a personality.

I have yet to see or meet one person who comes across as the perfect board member, they don't exist.
Jack Flash's Avatar
Good Topic EA.

Personally, I can come across as an asshole on here. I know it. But, in real life if you were to know me you would wonder how the hell I am so nice. I'm a big sweetheart. I treat everyone I come across with respect. I never argue. I always try and get to know the other person to the best of my ability. I'm the guy that girls call when they have a problem or issue and they need advice. Hell I have a few guys on this board that I give advice to on a weekly basis. I think that no one should judge a book by its cover or judge a board member by their posts.
London Rayne's Avatar
I don't think its fair for you to say that you have no choice but to act a certain way London. You act one way with your family and then you act another with clients. But, its the way that clients treat you that will determine your behavior in return.

BTW, that's not a bad thing either. So, don't read anything into it.

But, to the question of topic.......

Everyone acts big, tough, knowitall, etc. behind a computer. Some do it because they can't be that way in real life, some do it because its just the way they are. But, the board persona the people have is usually an extention of their real life.

What I type is me, take it or leave it. I speak my mind and usually say what others think and wish they could say, but are afraid of doing so. Sometimes I say it the right way, other times I say it the wrong way. I make mistakes just like everyone else.

Do I come across as bitchy on the board, sometimes. But, I can come across as bitchy in real life too because I refuse to be a doormat. I am the best friend a person could have once we get to know each other and will give the shirt off my back for you if you needed it. I like to joke around and have fun. Too much of the board starts to jade a personality.

I have yet to see or meet one person who comes across as the perfect board member, they don't exist. Originally Posted by MsElena
What I meant is my family and my friends don't know about this part of my life, so of course I don't sit around talking about Eccie with them. I also don't talk about sex in an explicit manner either. Until someone hires me here to be what he wants, I am free to be whatever I want on the boards...that's all I meant by that.

Personally, in real life I am the most giving person because I am not being asked to give away p*ssy! I don't mind offering a place to stay, a hot meal, or money to those in need...because they really need it. There is no need to defend such things in the real world because I am not put on the spot. I only have to defend professional decisions...not those concerning sex for money.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I do agree with that jack. To be honest I've made judgements about people based on board persona and rumors and crap, for that I am sorry and if the opportunity arises that I have the chance to get to know that person I will

I do consider it a little cowardly for some to do what they do behind a keyboard but it is what it is. Fact of the matter is I am who I am keyboard or no keyboard. I believe that's the right way to be. Doesn't mean I'm without fault cause I am. I an human afterall.

Basic respect for others isn't earned from me. I give everyone basic respect cause it's the right way to be.
I don't think its fair for you to say that you have no choice but to act a certain way London. You act one way with your family and then you act another with clients. But, its the way that clients treat you that will determine your behavior in return.

BTW, that's not a bad thing either. So, don't read anything into it.

But, to the question of topic.......

Everyone acts big, tough, knowitall, etc. behind a computer. Some do it because they can't be that way in real life, some do it because its just the way they are. But, the board persona the people have is usually an extention of their real life.

What I type is me, take it or leave it. I speak my mind and usually say what others think and wish they could say, but are afraid of doing so. Sometimes I say it the right way, other times I say it the wrong way. I make mistakes just like everyone else.

Do I come across as bitchy on the board, sometimes. But, I can come across as bitchy in real life too because I refuse to be a doormat. I am the best friend a person could have once we get to know each other and will give the shirt off my back for you if you needed it. I like to joke around and have fun. Too much of the board starts to jade a personality.

I have yet to see or meet one person who comes across as the perfect board member, they don't exist. Originally Posted by MsElena

I like this post and this is how I feel - we all have different aspects to our personality. Some more than others.

It's good to have a range, more fun. There are parts of us that wouldn't be appropriate on this board perhaps.

What I think is more constant is the knowledge of spelling and grammar. You can't ape that so well - OK you can pretend you don't know it (who'd bother?).

If you don't know it really shows.
shorty's Avatar
What I meant is my family and my friends don't know about this part of my life, so of course I don't sit around talking about Eccie with them. I also don't talk about sex in an explicit manner either. Until someone hires me here to be what he wants, I am free to be whatever I want on the boards...that's all I meant by that.

Personally, in real life I am the most giving person because I am not being asked to give away p*ssy! I don't mind offering a place to stay, a hot meal, or money to those in need...because they really need it. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Excellent post!! This board is a place to go to relax and have some fun.
London Rayne's Avatar
Hey Shorty!!!
Jack Flash's Avatar
EA you know as well as I do that there are rumors about me. And all of them are false, well except one. They were all started by people I've never met. They were spread by people I've never met. The people that I have met off this board have all been nice, respectful and I consider them friends. I think the whole board rumor mill that gets stirred up by people is a inevitable situation. Some people just want to start shit and hide behind a keyboard. Nothing anyone can do about it.
London Rayne's Avatar
EA you know as well as I do that there are rumors about me. And all of them are false, well except one. They were all started by people I've never met. They were spread by people I've never met. The people that I have met off this board have all been nice, respectful and I consider them friends. I think the whole board rumor mill that gets stirred up by people is a inevitable situation. Some people just want to start shit and hide behind a keyboard. Nothing anyone can do about it. Originally Posted by Jack Flash
I know how ya feel love. People really should get a life when it comes to things like that!