How High Will the Hobbyist Go?

Bossy Willson's thread about how high (In Age) providers will go and still accept gentlemen got me thinking about how high (In Age) the hobbyists will accept a lady.

At age 10 to 14, I was in lust with every Playboy bunny. Nothing surprising there! At 15, I was entertaining a girl up in North Garland that was 17 and showed her where her g-spot was and why it was so important!

At age 26, I was divorced (go figure) and in lust with really smart women that were professionals. I was having relationships with powerful women that were as young as 32 and up to 41 years of age.

The more experience they had, the better it was for me! However, if they were born before 1942, their social experiences with being great sex partners seems to not be so great. They had more "hang-ups", was the way I explained those experiences to myself.

Now that I'm in my 50's. I still love and secretly lust after my female friends that are in their 60's. These gals still hit the gym and can run and cycle the Hotter-n-Hell for 100 miles!

So, with my history told; I want to know from the hobby guys, how old is too old for you to see?

Please, if the age is below 35, I don't want to hear from you. In my opinion, the best providers are between 35 and 50. I want to hear why maturity makes the difference and why. Plus, when does the fantasy fade and the ability to maneuver become an issue!

PM me if you don't want to share in the open forum.

