leave candy cane alone delete. my account totally

I am proud to say I'm back with my husband please let me be and leavr me alone and loose my number or anything else regarding me on this site or any other site or charges will be filed...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!
  • DMike
  • 10-07-2014, 09:27 PM
umm ok
BBW Katrina's Avatar
dtymh55's Avatar
Good luck.
Wow you could have just went away but for you to post you just put your own ass in the spot light!!
lyn.xes's Avatar
congratulations on being with your husband

I have never seen you but seems like the easiest thing to do is to change your own number. It maybe deleted off of here but still floating around on other websites.
thebuffmantraples's Avatar
Really. That seems like a challenge to me. Too bad I'm busy for a while, someone want to help this girl out? She seems to need drama in her most secret area.!?!
I am proud to say I'm back with my husband please let me be and leavr me alone and loose my number or anything else regarding me on this site or any other site or charges will be filed...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Originally Posted by RedHotCandyCane
#28 - At any time, you may ask to cancel/disable your account here for any reason, or "guest" your account for security reasons. Please submit your request to the staff and include the reason for the request so we may better assist you. In cases where you are asking for your posts or threads to be removed, you will need to submit a list of URL links to the posts you have specified for removal. We will attempt to assist in these cases, but please understand that this process takes time, and due to the amount of work involved, no timeframe or deadline will be given for completion of this task. Additionally, should you wish to return to the board under a different username at a later date, this must be done only after first making contact with staff and receiving staff blessing. (in some cases, a 90-day grace period will be assessed before issuing a new account) At that point, we will be be happy to assist you with the transition.
Look over on the left side of this page...see that "Contact Us" link? Thats the one you want. Gee, how difficult is that?
samcruz's Avatar
........ AFLAC ........
Bets on how long that will last? She'll be back.
I am proud to say I'm back with my husband please let me be and leavr me alone and loose my number or anything else regarding me on this site or any other site or charges will be filed...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Originally Posted by RedHotCandyCane
Say what?

Charges will be filed? Bwahahahaa! I'd love to hear that conversation. "Yes officer: I don't know why all these guys are calling me to ask if they can stick it in my ass." For the record, good luck tracking dem burn phones.
Anyone?....anyone??..... Bueller.... anyone???
ben dover's Avatar
Yeah good luck with that, after 2 1/2 years in the biz i'm sure the home life will be exactly like the Cleavers.....
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 10-08-2014, 08:42 AM
"Honey, you sure seem to have dated a LOT of guys while we were separated."
"Don't worry, I'll PRESS CHARGES on all of them! Oh yeah, can you please stay off the computer for the rest of your life too?"

lol, luck to you both.
Funniest shit I've read all week!