From Nicole Gelinas at City Journal:

Bill de Blasio didn’t just beat his Republican rival Joe Lhota in Tuesday’s election for New York City mayor. According to the headline in the New York Post, he achieved “utter destruction.”

His first big challenge when he takes office seven weeks from now will be preparing a $74.6 billion city budget that already faces a nearly $2 billion deficit. It’s unlikely that Wall Street will save him; though de Blasio doesn’t seem to have noticed, revenues have been dropping in the past few months. The city can do nothing without a balanced budget, but to get there, de Blasio will have to make the city’s public-sector employees very unhappy. They’ve worked without contracts for years in hopes that a new mayor would give them a big pay hike, but such raises could nearly quadruple the deficit.

Likewise, de Blasio’s success on a host of other issues will depend on his willingness to stand up to the city’s numerous special interests.

Good read if you are interested in Gotham politics.........
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Get ready for a line of refugees from New York City. Maybe they'll reboot RoboCop in New York City this time.
Maybe de Blasio is banking on the revenue from recently approved Casino Gaming in NYC........which will devastate Atlantic City.
New Yorkers have approved an amendment that will allow seven casinos to open in the state, including one to three in the New York City area in seven years.
Why New York casinos could crush Atlantic City

Atlantic City should be "very concerned," said Chad Mollman, an analyst who covers casino and hotel stocks for Morningstar. "New York City is the biggest feeder market in Atlantic City. There is a question in terms of the viability of Atlantic City in the long term."
Right, the financial difficulties facing NYC have shifted overnight just because a Democrat has taken office.

The more I read the stupid shit you idiots post up, the more convinced I become that you are either blatant fucking liars or you have a tenuous grip on reality. Or both.
Just like all Demogogues, De Blasio will find that getting elected is one hell of a lot easier than actually governing.

He promised the typical Democrat Voter that permeates the NY population something for nothing, but in the end, they will get nothing.
Just like all Demogogues, De Blasio will find that getting elected is one hell of a lot easier than actually governing.

He promised the typical Democrat Voter that permeates the NY population something for nothing, but in the end, they will get nothing. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Why are you critical of a typical New York City Democratic voter who has elected Republicans for the last 25 years. You fucking guys can't make up your minds. All you know to do is bitch and whine. Sad. It's why you and yours are doomed.
What specifically did De Blasio promise?
Why are you critical of a typical New York City Democratic voter who has elected Republicans for the last 25 years. You fucking guys can't make up your minds. All you know to do is bitch and whine. Sad. It's why you and yours are doomed. Originally Posted by timpage
Just so you know, I don't look at any of your imbedded videos asshat. Communicate with the written word or be gone or ignored. Nobody cares about whatever dumbass video you've found that you think is germane to the thread. Post something you stupid lazy I can pick it apart and shove it up your ass sideways.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
If you took the time to look at his ads, De Blasio made one thing perfectly clear; he is going to raised taxes on the rich. Then the rich will leave New York City.

Lets be completely honest Timmie, Bloomberg is a democrat. He was a democrat the first time he failed to get elected. He changed parties but not principals when he realized that he would not win a democratic primary. He is a republican in name only.