IRS agents, tax attorneys, CPAs and income tax prepares please tell me

bobie963's Avatar
Where is the law that requires Americans to file a 1040.
This is for everyone that complains about having to pay income taxes.
23 years ago I called the IRS asking where the law is located. In this country if something is LAW, it will be in a book of statues somewhere. The associate I spoke with let me know plain and simple, There is no law. At this point I stopped doing business with the IRS. I do not file 1040s nor do I have State and Federal withheld from my paychecks. I write the word exempt on line 7 of my W-4s.
In the early 90s I received 2 letters from the IRS letting me know I had to meet with local agents.
After my second meeting I walked out the door an income tax free man and never looked back.
I am not encouraging anyone to do as I do simply because of what I have said but only to do your own research and make a decision based on what you learn. What you learn the truth to be and what you think you know will surprise you. It did me.
Even to this day, NO ONE has been able to tell me where the law is located.
Please do not fill up this thread with comments like, I hate to be you when you get caught or they will catch up to you one day. I have been hearing this for 23 years now. The IRS knows where I live. I know this because I get a form letter from the IRS every year addressed to me, not resident, asking me to update my personal information. I throw the letter away because I know I’m not required by law to fill it out. The IRS knows where I work and about my income because my employer reports this at the end of every year.
I am a man of my word. The first person that can tell me where the law is located I will pay them 100 dollars after I can verify it’s existence.
If anyone has a specific question to ask me about this subject I will answer to the best of my knowledge.
You are completely full of shit and I seriously doubt what you have posted is true. On the off chance that it is, if you have had taxable and reportable income during the time period you are discussing, the IRS will eventually find you and begin probing your ass and your finances for the past ten years with a bullet shaped flashlight. You will owe tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars in penalties and will be lucky if you are not sent to federal prison for a lengthy vacation.

Good luck.

The Law That Says We Have to Pay Federal Income Tax

March 02, 2010

Joseph Henchman

Last month, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released a 2010 update of its discussion/rebuttal of various "tax protestor" arguments (PDF). The IRS advises that "[a]nyone who contemplates arguing on legal grounds against [paying taxes] should first read the 80-page document." Wikipedia also has a reference page, as does Professor Jonathan Siegel at George Washington University Law School.

There's hardly a constitutional amendment, law, or supposition that hasn't been used in an attempt to prove that income tax collection is invalid. As a constitutional lawyer who works for a tax policy organization, I'm often asked whether the Sixteenth Amendment was properly ratified or (often more rudely) to show where the law is that requires people to pay income taxes.

I find these arguments, like most constitutional law discussions, interesting. But ultimately the truth is that the Secretary of State proclaimed the ratification of the Sixteenth Amendment on February 25, 1913, 26 U.S.C. § 1 imposes tax on taxable income, 26 U.S.C. § 63 defines taxable income as gross income minus allowed deductions, 26 U.S.C. § 61 defines gross income as all income from whatever source derived, and 26 U.S.C. § 6012 requires the filing of returns by every individual with gross income for the year (with some exceptions). Dozens of cases have upheld the federal government's power to collect income taxes against just about every argument.
Judges have little tolerance for tax protestors, particularly ones who convince other people not to pay taxes while being deceptive about the enormous legal consequences. Adherents who practiced what they preached are in jail for tax evasion, many for dramatically hefty sentences. And while the IRS may be less sinister than it was a few years ago, there's no doubting their willingness to use enormous power against individuals to collect tax revenue.

As I tell people, the current federal income tax has a lot of problems. We at the Tax Foundation are no stranger to its complexity, favoritism, non-transparency, and the burden it imposes on the economy. But claiming that the tax doesn't actually legally exist hasn't been a productive avenue. Since our founding in 1937, we've had hundreds of brilliant economists, lawyers, accountants, and policy analysts here, and they all paid their income taxes. If there was a way out, one of them would have found it.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-10-2013, 10:35 AM
Conservatives on here will love you.

Then it'll hit 'em that you're just one of the 47%.

I think they call that a conundrum.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-10-2013, 10:43 AM
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-10-2013, 10:47 AM
Sections 1, 61, and 63 impose the tax,
Section 6012 requires you to file a tax return if you have income of more than the exemption amount plus the basic standard deduction, and
Section 6151 requires you to pay the tax at the time and place fixed for the filing of your return.

get a grip Bob, better yet don't file and let everyone know how that works out for ya.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I am, as you know, entirely opposed to the income tax. The scandal here is not that it is illegal, but that it IS legal.

And suppose some court somewhere ruled that no one had to pay income tax due to lack of a law requiring same. What would happen? (The answer is simple enough, even the OP should figure it out.) Congress would simply pass a law requiring you to pay income tax, and make it retroactive to 1913.

Yeah, Booby. Act big and tough, and smarter than everyone else. We will see how that works out for you when the Treasury Department agents come to your house.

I encourage everyone to oppose the income tax. I encourage no one to evade it.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-10-2013, 10:43 PM
Where is the law that requires Americans to file a 1040.
This is for everyone that complains about having to pay income taxes.
23 years ago I called the IRS asking where the law is located. In this country if something is LAW, it will be in a book of statues somewhere. The associate I spoke with let me know plain and simple, There is no law. At this point I stopped doing business with the IRS. I do not file 1040s nor do I have State and Federal withheld from my paychecks. I write the word exempt on line 7 of my W-4s.
In the early 90s I received 2 letters from the IRS letting me know I had to meet with local agents.
After my second meeting I walked out the door an income tax free man and never looked back.
I am not encouraging anyone to do as I do simply because of what I have said but only to do your own research and make a decision based on what you learn. What you learn the truth to be and what you think you know will surprise you. It did me.
Even to this day, NO ONE has been able to tell me where the law is located.
Please do not fill up this thread with comments like, I hate to be you when you get caught or they will catch up to you one day. I have been hearing this for 23 years now. The IRS knows where I live. I know this because I get a form letter from the IRS every year addressed to me, not resident, asking me to update my personal information. I throw the letter away because I know I’m not required by law to fill it out. The IRS knows where I work and about my income because my employer reports this at the end of every year.
I am a man of my word. The first person that can tell me where the law is located I will pay them 100 dollars after I can verify it’s existence.
If anyone has a specific question to ask me about this subject I will answer to the best of my knowledge. Originally Posted by bobie963
So you are a self-admitted slacker, not carrying your fair share. One of those free-loading liberals who is living off MY taxes year after year.

YOU are what's wrong with America, YOU are far more destructive to our way of life than the illegal aliens who DO pay income tax on their earnings.

Now, I am waiting for Dizzyboy, Gonad, or IBBuffoon (AKA Condom Man) among others to jump in here and condemn you publicly. (I'm not holding my breath because most of them are complete hypocrites, but if they believe what they say on here they will. But we also know most of them don't really believe what hey say. We will see, won't we!)