I wonder if alcohol was involved....

... he is Russian after all:


And he decided to engage in political protest by nailing his scrotum to the ground in the middle of Red Square.

You can't make this shit up.
Wow. I bet that stung. Looks cold too. No shrinkage?

And all this time I thought it "took balls" for that 18-year-old German kid to fly a Cessna 172 into Soviet airspace and land it in Red Square.


This stunt raises the old phrase "it takes balls" to a whole new level!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-11-2013, 11:49 AM
took some doing too ... that's stone his nuts are attached to, not wood... could have been a commercial for industrial strength nails

oh yeah ... anyone can nail their sack to a sidewalk ... takes a man to stand up
I just watched the video. I didn't have the nerve to before.

It was all pixelated so there is nothing to see.

But look for the unpixelated video to make it onto the internet soon.
JCM800's Avatar
took some doing too ... that's stone his nuts are attached to, not wood... could have been a commercial for industrial strength nails Originally Posted by CJ7
...or a nail gun.
I bet it probably hurt more getting his nuts freed from the nail. Can you imagine having to take a hammer to pry the nail out while the nuts are being squeezed onto the stone. OUCH
Snowden look our!!!!
anyone can nail their sack to a sidewalk ... takes a man to stand up Originally Posted by CJ7
OK. Now THAT was funny...