Tronhorn356 please explain how this can happen..?

in reference to this post, please see in red below..

Are you that insecure you bring abe into this, lol. Or are you a part of his group of threatening and forcing providers to see them free or at a big discount for a review? Originally Posted by Tronhorn356
how exactly can one force a provider to see you?

and if one does threaten a provider, why would she see you in the first place?

you never answered for yourself on this thread:

don't be a punk this time.. speak up like the "man" you claim to be..
Let put them all in a room full of hookers and have them each bring $1000 and see who wins! Any one can do anything on the net but lets put it all out there and see who can man up.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Well, from a ladies perspective...

Lets take a new girl-- trying to make a name for herself... I've seen it happen more than once where a guy threatens a lady with a bad review if she won't see him. Said guy has 50 plus reviews and seems to have a great rep with the guys. Doesn't take a rocket scientist of a lady to figure out that if she doesn't do what is asked of her.. the bad review will be believed, even if it is false.

Now-- I'm not accusing you of that by any stretch.. just trying to illustrate how someone could threaten and force a lady to see them... particularly if she is new.
noober's Avatar
Ladies don't be scared of 1 bad review.
We man whores know it might just be the client just don't have a trend or multi No's in a row.

Anybody else notice that the new girls that tron sees don't provide long??? Yet he claims he stills sees them. idunno just seems like a guilty cry of denial of him scaring them off to me but hey that's just my take on it.
There's been a few comments on him by providers.
Seems like he can only see new providers that don't screen. Judging from his recent reviews
But like I said who knows.
He posts video in his reviews to be posted to black mail providers haha
I bet he's buddy buddy with the guy warned on this tread
Grace Preston's Avatar
Eh.. I've been here too long to be frightened of a bad review at this point. 108 yes reviews.. most everyone would take a bad review as either a fluke or someone who didn't like my board persona. However, there is a group of people that I flat out refuse to deal with.... which is cool because I'm not really their "type" either.

However, Noober-- its pretty common when there is a "no" review that a bunch of bandwagon fucktards love to come in and pile on.. even if they've never actually met the girl. A lot of the newer or younger (or both) set just doesn't have the thick skin to deal and let it ride. So, I can understand the immense pressure. I certainly wouldn't want to have to start over with the current board climate, that's for damn sure.
of where i have forced or threatened any provider to see me..

Tronhorn356, please back up your acquisitions and provide this proof
forced or threatened you, please feel free to speak up as well..
noober's Avatar

However, Noober-- its pretty common when there is a "no" review that a bunch of bandwagon fucktards love to come in and pile on.. even if they've never actually met the girl. A lot of the newer or younger (or both) set just doesn't have the thick skin to deal and let it ride. So, I can understand the immense pressure. I certainly wouldn't want to have to start over with the current board climate, that's for damn sure. Originally Posted by Grace Preston

I understand but clients like me always test out the water themselves.

Not gonna lie I'm a sucker for a cute face haha it's bite me in the ass a few times hey it's all an adventure to me haha
Grace Preston's Avatar
I understand but clients like me always test out the water themselves.

Not gonna lie I'm a sucker for a cute face haha it's bite me in the ass a few times hey it's all an adventure to me haha Originally Posted by noober
Nothing wrong with that-- the lure of a cute face on a new girl is a powerfun one! (the girl that was the cause of this post is quite the hottie!!).

Now-- in regards to Abe. I do not honestly think that he has threatened a girl into seeing him. Now-- has he received some serious discounts due to his status on the board? Probably. Has he used that status in order to elicit discount sessions? Probably. Has he used his status to help him get a "higher level of service".. probably. But-- that is on the provider to accept or decline. As long as he isn't threatening ladies to see him for free or super cheap "or else"... he isn't a danger. Perhaps an asshat in my book-- but who am I to give a man too much grief for seeking out a discount where he can get it? I have absolutely given him shit for being a "predator"... but in reality-- he's more opportunistic than predatory. As are quite a few of the newbie chasers.
Grace, i understand what you're saying..

however, i'm tired of Tronhorn356 (or anyone else, for that matter) talking shit and attempting to trash other members reputations without having anything to back up his (their) words with..

one provider has already come forth with Tronhorn356's own "blackmail".. she explained in detail in the thread she posted here:
Grace Preston's Avatar
Yes.. I know Tron's history. Not that it matters because I'm not his type-- but he is also someone I wouldn't see. So... don't get me wrong-- I'm not sticking up for the guy. Just answering questions based on what I've heard and seen over the years.
noober's Avatar
That's just one of the few newbie victims. Only other one that spoke up was Britney paradise that I know of.
Tronhorn that guy is very forceful rough disrespectful and left without giving an donation I suggest providers to be aware of that guy I never experienced nothing like that ..he's angry because I will not allow him to visit I have screenshots of his text messages Originally Posted by Brittany Paradise
the part highlighted in red is very disturbing..
mrredcat43's Avatar
I remember that review Abe, gave me chills down my spine, all I'm gonna say about that!