Paris Hilton

Has anyone seen or heard from her in the past week?

I'd like to give her the benefit of the doubt but I'm fairly sure she stole a thousand dollars from me. Long story...
needingmilking's Avatar

Maybe share the story.

Not that I doubt your sincerity, but just throwing comments like that sound more fiction than truth...
I'd rather not until she has a chance to explain. But she hasn't even logged on here for over a week.

More concerned than pissed at this time. A thousand dollars won't ruin me.
mtabsw's Avatar
Two thoughts-
If it won't ruin you why mention it? You could've simply said you're worried about her?

Do you know about the charitable opportunity- the "help mta get laid fund"??
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 10-26-2017, 12:51 PM
She'll be back once your 1k bonus is spent, she's probably working with regulars away from eccie staying utr hoping you forget about the money
TheEccie214's Avatar
Thought she was rich, don’t know why she’d steal 1k from a John with all that hotel money. Stupid reply? Yes, seems fitting for where this thread is headed for asking about a girl that’s MIA. And also, the mta get laid fund is a good idea if 1k isn’t a big deal to lose.
Were you her manager that didn't get your cut? Shirley you didn't leave a grand laying around for a lady to steal.....that makes no since dude
needingmilking's Avatar
I'd rather not until she has a chance to explain. But she hasn't even logged on here for over a week.

More concerned than pissed at this time. A thousand dollars won't ruin me. Originally Posted by Benbroda
Well... then why mention the cash?

Making it public might not make it easier to find her.

Drama, tho, is coming this way now. .
Well... then why mention the cash?

Making it public might not make it easier to find her.

Drama, tho, is coming this way now. . Originally Posted by needingmilking
Ladies and Gentlemen, please return to your seats and fasten your seatbelts. Severe turbulence ahead...

To the OP: I'll repeat the same question: If the money is no big deal, why mention it? Your intent may be wholesome and good, but you likely have stirred up a shit-storm here.
I miss the old days of eccie and aspd. What the fuck has happened around here? The responses here are ridiculous. The post made by the OP is one precisely the type of post meant for such a site.

It seems like all any of the first responders to this thread are simply butt-hurt that the OP posted in a respectful and inquiring manner to inform fellow whore mongers as needed at this time info per his situation as well as hopefully lure the lady to respond since he made it apparent that she has eluded any private communication he has made.

Rather than jumping the gun and posting a vengeful and verbally abusive, one-sided rant hot enough to pop you guy's Extra Butter Pop fucking Secret to leave your hands with that perfect amount of greasiness to jack your dicks off to the drama impending.. he did what most here should maybe take note of and decided against posting new jack off material for those in need of drama.

Eye Roll.

Who gives a fuck what exactly the circumstances were that led to his post.. since when did the whore board Gods throw a fucking lightening bolt and knock their gavel and award you fuckers the title of judge and grand jury to tell another poster that his post lacks the amount of evidence necessary to warrant him an actual intellectual and relevant response? Do you have any info to the questions he asked? Is there any relevant information that may help him in his quest? Are you the lady in question? Is anyone else going to gain some kind of new insight from anything you are about to diddle your fingers on the keyboard into a posted response here? No? Then shut the fuck up and move on. Get off the damn computer and stretch your legs.. Take your fucking wife out to dinner or something.. try to make at least your world a better place.

The OP stated, not once but twice I believe that for now, until he feels she has had adequate time to reply to his private advances as well as seen or been alerted to this thread and given her side of the circumstances in question that he did not feel it to be appropriate to further release the when, where and why's.

In my..and I'm 100% certain I'm not alone in belief..opinion, this is the most respectful and appropriate course of action. He understands that if it comes down to it that her intent was in fact ill-willed or malicious then it would be appropriate to warn others here of that mal-intent so another prospective buyer would be armed with all the info needed to make an informed dicision involving his interaction with this lady.. the exact invision of intent for this here site.

He also is aware that if any possible variables may exist in which he is not aware at this moment, even tho his see-saw seems to have him sitting on his ass in the grass right now.. that any negative, one sided post on full blast without given adequate notice and chance of interjection could subject a lady he is obviously somewhat fond of, many negative reprocusions and can perhaps hurt her chance of promoting any further business here should it be unjust.. and he seems to genuinely care and be gentlemanly enough to avoid such.

Therefore, to the OP.. I respect and admire your demeanor and attitude in regards to your situation and am sorry for your predicament and hope it all gets cleared up and any more drama is abstained. We certainly live to learn.

I used to post here on eccie often and was a bit addicted to reading and interjecting my little bits of humor here and there when this place wasn't quite so messy and downright disgusting.. and this is coming from the no class having, dick-sucking slut introduced to aspd from back page that turned the site upside down with my oh-that's-way-too-slutty avatar pic, a close up of my face with cum (it was fake tho..just some conditioner..gotchya&#128513 dripping off my lip and included maybe the first of its kind, a link to my bit of marketing genius- my teaser dick sucking video. At the time i was considered too risque' and disgusting for the classiness of ladies advertising there. I was 'reported to moderator' any time I posted. Maybe an oldie here might recall.

Anyway.. stepping down off my soap box.
OP i feel for ya.. but..

you've just invited all the usual heard of angry ass trolls to get on here and post smart ass bullshit..

sorry you lost that cash man..
Grace Preston's Avatar
Yep.. I remember both the avi pic and the vid. These days-- these guys want CIP videos.. and it seems nothing is off the reservation. Alas... time only goes forward.. never in reverse.
Yep.. I remember both the avi pic and the vid. These days-- these guys want CIP videos.. and it seems nothing is off the reservation. Alas... time only goes forward.. never in reverse. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Ha! I guess we could just say it's all my fault then!
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 10-26-2017, 07:23 PM
Ha! I guess we could just say it's all my fault then! Originally Posted by Infamous BJ
The whole whore movement is all your fault, now it's time for some 2017 videos to take it up another notch, I'm glad the classy fake whore movement went away.
I miss the old days of eccie and aspd. What the fuck has happened around here? Originally Posted by Infamous BJ
Great fucking post from one BJ famous bitch to another sorry didn't want to quote your whole post

I would enjoy reading more of your posts...please post more honesty...its My favorite kind