Golfing's Avatar
Guys , I know you all understand my frustration , and it’s getting much worse !

I have battled this quitley for ever , but it’s much much worse these last 12 -18 months . Technology has enabled every provider to create the illusion of sexy beautiful desirable photo’s . And reviewers 90% don’t want to derail a providers revenue and career here , so u can’t trust their opinion as to the providers likeness to her showcase . For me is so prevelant I simply hate working hard to qualify the young lady , most just get offended . The problem is huge with me because unlike most clients , I won’t simply leave or tell the truth and depart , I can t do this to her . This biz is hard for the provider especially if not attractive , so since I began 10 years ago , I won’t stay if I don’t feel attracted. I greet and enter her IN call lay the full session fee plus tip on the table . Chat , then pull my phone at apologizing and telll then wife called or daughter flat tire etc . Tell them I will reschedule ! And hug them goodbye and leave . Wasted time and money , I feel I was honorable to a girl who works in a tough business but friends it is costly and keeps me away from new providers . I won’t name who but it happened yesterday/. Perfect 10 photo,s , and even sent me current selfies , and as she looks now etc . I was convinced , and at $ 500 an hour I brought $$1000 , as I approached her incall I realized she might be one I have seen before last year and I she was not even close to whom I would stay with and then I gave her $1200 . I asked her if she knew me and she said no . I arrived for are appointment. And no . A real amazing difference . Chatted $750 , left
$800 last week to another gal . And these aren’t newbies , they are very prevelant . Most emphasize services , and the fraud pics are de emphasized . Ok I get it , but privately if I let them know how imortant it is to me , and if they are off the mark send me real photo . Be honest. Never happens .
Over weight 20-40 pounds , wigs , doctored photo’s ...
several men tell me they don’t give a shit , if girl is not like photo , they say so and leave mad . I leave sad for me and her .

What I also know is the providers could careless about my issue with this . It’s my fault not the providers . And buyers beware . In the real world girls you couldn’t get away with this . I WILL TELL YOU THAT OVER THE LAST YEAR AND OVER 80 plus new providers I have attempted to see CATALINA CRUZ was the only provider in dallas who was equal to and even exceeded her photo’s , as in real life my god she is hotter ! And I say this not promoting her , coz she won’t see me anymore . True , there should be others but there is not in dallas , several I would say the same but they live out of town .
Asians Hispanics , are 80 % fairly accurate , other races are the biggest offenders ....
there . Trash this or not I don’t care. Ever guy knows this but they are afraid to come out here in it .
PS - I look nothing like my photos.

You are more than welcome to give me my $500 and leave.
TheEccie214's Avatar
Interesting topic however if you won’t name names I’m not sure how far it can go. Do respect you not wanting to call anyone out but we all know girls here that have not updated their pictures in years.
needingmilking's Avatar
PS - I look nothing like my photos.

You are more than welcome to give me my $500 and leave. Originally Posted by Adrienne Baptiste
Well, OP, there you go...

Caveat emptor

Interesting topic however if you won’t name names I’m not sure how far it can go. Do respect you not wanting to call anyone out but we all know girls here that have not updated their pictures in years. Originally Posted by TheEccie214
In all fairness the OP states that 90% is the number he is working with. So naming almost everyone will be a long list.

OP, then again, it is marketing. Have you seen any celebrity in real life? they don't look like their pics or movies.

I think that maybe you have very high expectations, and you can have them if you want, but the reality is that no one is going to post an unflattering pic of themselves.

Ladies should update them often, true, but very few can afford it. Live is a bitch, and some ladies go thru it rougher than others.
I feel your pain OP. Been to numerous socials nationwide and have thought " That's IT, did they drag folks in from under the bridge or alley???"from a majority of them.

NYC had tons of sexy ladies though!

But realize, this is a business where if there is enough hype around her and her brand/persona, she can look as homely as she wants. However if she is homely, it should show that in her pictures in a tasteful manner.

On the flip side, a woman can be drop dead gorgeous w great skills. However if there's no hype about her, she gets lost in the bucket of crabs.
Laura Lynn's Avatar
And let's not forget, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What you find sexy, may be trash in another's eyes. I know I too have gone to socials and been like damn......

Bottom line, WALDT

Yes, most would agree that girls should update pics, at least once a year. I think more from a marketing stand point they would want fresh pics out there. Just IMO. And new pics should be definitely posted if there has been a drastic change in her appearance, like changing hair color/style or gaining/losing a significant amount of weight.

But don't think professional photos are any better than selfies. The pro's edit, touch up, use lighting and get flattering angles in their photos too.
corona's Avatar
This troll again?
You don't like what you see when you open the door turn around and leave
Grace Preston's Avatar
This troll again?
You don't like what you see when you open the door turn around and leave Originally Posted by corona

Jesus. Why must everything be so complicated?
And let's not forget, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What you find sexy, may be trash in another's eyes. I know I too have gone to socials and been like damn......

Bottom line, WALDT

Yes, most would agree that girls should update pics, at least once a year. I think more from a marketing stand point they would want fresh pics out there. Just IMO. And new pics should be definitely posted if there has been a drastic change in her appearance, like changing hair color/style or gaining/losing a significant amount of weight.

But don't think professional photos are any better than selfies. The pro's edit, touch up, use lighting and get flattering angles in their photos too. Originally Posted by Laura Lynn
I definitely agree that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
You could have a review categorey rating how closely they match photos. Problem is showcase can change and providers can change over time.

I've met providers that looked better than their photos, but many who look worse. Yes, WALDT, so there is no way to know if differcnce to photos is a deal breaker. I have yet to meet one where I felt like walking away. I know one provider warns of scars (I have not seen her), but heck, scars don't bother me. I have my own. I have met a few where I question all the rave reviews of their looks. I think some mistake youth for beauty.
OP it's real simple -

if you don't like what you see, then simply turn around and leave.. and don't leave any donation..

ps i agree Catalina Cruz is even hotter in person!!
Guys , I know you all understand my frustration , and it’s getting much worse !

I have battled this quitley for ever , but it’s much much worse these last 12 -18 months. The problem is huge Originally Posted by Golfing
totally. on same level as global warming, north korea, iran and russian interference.
DentBick's Avatar
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... I have attempted to see CATALINA CRUZ ... she won’t see me anymore. Originally Posted by Golfing
Why not? Are you dangerous, or something?
mrredcat43's Avatar
Nice self alert, rich douchebag