Encounter: Same girl, different name, different club, same result...

Date: 2 weeks ago
Name: J@$^!N3
Phone: 210-344-6601
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
City: SA
State: Texas
Address: N Star Mall area
Activities: HJTC
Hair Length and Color: Brown down to waste, Indian like
Age: 21?
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Hispanic
Physical Description: Tats on back, nice built young latina, short tho - maybe 5/6 w/heels
Recommendation: Yes
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Nice but sucio.

How often do those table cloths get changed out?

Now I'm going to have to look out for your dead DNA swimmers at the clubs.

.How often do those table cloths get changed out?
I was thinkin about bringing my own in.....BUT then it would be a BIG Away....
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Originally Posted by hittinit

What about the other guys?

Wondering if thos was the same girl I saw, just got a few
dances but wasnt sure she was down for extras. She said her name was
Justice but I only noticed a tattoo on the back of her shoulder