Strange Guy...

lat's Avatar
  • lat
  • 07-02-2015, 10:55 AM
I was just reading about some of the alerts I wasn't going to post this and not sure if it should go here .
Last Saturday I was meeting my SB, first I always use the La Qunita off I-12 but the rooms were booked ,so I used the one off I-10 .
I got room as usually. I brought something to drink but I needed a coke and ice so I called my friend and she said almost there, now it's a habit I put her fee in the key folder on the night stand. I left out of room to get ice I left the door cracked as soon as I got downstairs that little light went off in my head and I went back up as I was walking in the room a black guy was in my room had my money in his hand !!!!!
Now this could've been ugly and scared the fuck out of me after the fact , I grabbed him by the shirt and snatch my $$ out of his hand and said what the fuck as I push him he ran out of the room .I went and reported it to the front desk I thought maybe a camera picked up something ? I couldn't make a police report but I got my money my friend saw him also she couldn't beleive that just happened. But I am bless he didn't have a gun or knife or hit me it would've been hard to explain to my other half but anyway I won't be using that hotel again .
pornodave69's Avatar
...I put her fee in the key folder on the night stand. I left out of room to get ice I left the door cracked as soon as I got downstairs....I won't be using that hotel again. Originally Posted by lat
Or you could just close the door when you leave the room, especially if you're going downstairs. Problem solved, regardless of where you stay.

And this is not a post for the alert forum. Moved to Coed.
turbo-dog's Avatar
Leaving door open in a LaQuinta?
lat's Avatar
  • lat
  • 07-02-2015, 11:47 AM
Guys before y'all bash I didn't close it all the way it wasn't open just only where you didn't have to have key I was expecting my friend but lesson learned
johnathan's Avatar
Probably not worth to attack him for few bucks unless your life is threatened
Old Horn Dog's Avatar
I went 0-to-Steven Segall on some poor guy a few weeks back; leaving a restaurant I hit my key to unlock the car while across the street. Lights blink as always. As I walk up I see a guy open my driver's door & lean in like he's looking for something.

I ran up & got real aggressive real fast w/him, yelling & cursing. He acted like it was an honest mistake & said he was sorry & why didn't I believe him. I told him to get the FUCK AWAY FROM MY CAR. Then of course 30 secs. later when I'm pulling away, I see him @ what is his car--same make & model as mine (different color but it was night out), parked two cars up. Honest mistake. I felt like a total asshole.

Which is to say: LAT had a totally different situation. I don't blame him for fighting for what's his--it's natural. One reason I reacted the way I did is I've lived here long enough to like it, but not look at it w/rose-colored glasses. There's a lot of shitheads who'll take your shit you worked hard for. Everywhere. Including here.

What I DO blame him for is going to the LaQ if it's the one on Causeway--that's the only LaQ I've left scared from. The others have all been inexpensive but nice enough & clean.
lat's Avatar
  • lat
  • 07-02-2015, 01:12 PM
Thanks.... I forgot to put location it was in good ol town of Slidell that's where I do my planyn at , but like I said I always stay at the one off I-12 by the mall
Old Horn Dog's Avatar
I read where there was an explosion in that hotel, a lab to make an illegal substances caught fire and blew up the room.
lat's Avatar
  • lat
  • 07-02-2015, 04:14 PM
It's behind SAMs that one is new and they have suits you have to come inside to access rooms
You act like me under these kind of circustances,,,+1000
SknyDiva's Avatar
The dude was almost robbed and all I see is analyzing. Sometimes shit happens. No matter how careful we are, I'm glad you're ok dude.