Sorry to do this ladies and gentlemen. I believe a session has to have taken place for a review to be posted. jlh1943 has posted a review on a session dated 4/15/15 and no session took place. I would love to air out the "trash" on this public forum but your time is far too valuable to waste on this type of nonsense. This is an adult website, right?
It is a gentleman's prerogative to write an accurate review and share this information with fellow hobbyists. Wasting everyone's time by using the review forum as your own personal platform to bash me with nasty remarks and speculation is not acceptable. I believe I read exploiting any medical information is forbidden also. This jlh1943 had 2 previous opportunities to write a review on a session with me and contribute to the community and myself and he chose not to.
I am formally disputing this angry tirade labeled a review. No session took place. Nor does this qualify as an NCNS. My apologies for this time and space wasting bs. I appreciate the support.