Oh my lanta!

This is gonna get so good. These idiots think they could win. I wonder if they are familiar with the term....crazy ass motherfuckers??

Michael Bloomberg said to be considering Hillary Clinton as possible vice-president https://news.yahoo.com/michael-bloom...wer&soc_trk=ma
Bloomie is a world class panderer.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
'Smokescreen': Drudge's big-if-true Bloomberg-Clinton bombshell


By Saturday afternoon, Drudge was linking from his own homepage to the report carried in the Daily Mail citing Drudge’s own as yet unconfirmed scoop.

News of the possible Bloomberg-Clinton ticket drew swift reaction online, with Trumpworld figures relishing the idea.

This is gonna get so good. These idiots think they could win. I wonder if they are familiar with the term....crazy ass motherfuckers??

Michael Bloomberg said to be considering Hillary Clinton as possible vice-president https://news.yahoo.com/michael-bloom...wer&soc_trk=ma Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
If that happens and they win their administration would be just another criminal empire like it was when Bill was president. Since Hillary is such a devious bitch she would set up Bloomberg to get impeached or even assassinated and she would be president. I am sure it's just a rumor. Bloomberg can't be that stupid to consider her for anything.
Redhot1960's Avatar
On Baby Bloomers. 56

Lanta (verb): To take mylanta in order to stop vomiting or other unpleasant things.

Bloomberg would have to hire a food taster.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
HoeHummer's Avatar
At least the Crazy Old Broad swallowed it right up, like a day old QV load!

Balls deep, you old geezer.

LexusLover's Avatar
Someone asked her the other day if she would consider the #2 position.

She approached giddy in her response. Bill would negotiate Foundation Funds.

I'm not sure what is worse publicity .....

His narrative of arresting more Black people to reduce crime in NYC ... or

have TheOldFatHagLoser on his ticket.

Probably the latter, but it's close to a toss up ... and with both around his neck.

Trump is a shoe-in.
is there anyone like hellary, anywhere in the world?

from cattle futures where the gains were allocated to her and the losses to others

to not just defending a rapist but laughing about the victim

her "work" on the Watergate committee:

“when the investigation was over, Zeifman fired Hillary from the committee staff and refused to give her a letter of recommendation.” The article quoted Zeifman as saying: “She was a liar. She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.”…

the more I go down this road, the more nauseated I become so I will stop

hellary has to be a psychopath, there is no other answer

hellary is despicable

on top of that, she has been unsuccessful in every government undertaking she has touched other than selling her office and selling the thought of her office to come

how can she be considered for anything?
LexusLover's Avatar

how can she be considered for anything? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Back in Arkansas not long before The Predator decided to run for the "Gold Ring," HillariousNoMore was talking divorce to The Predator. To avoid that spectacle The Predator made a deal: No divorce and if I win you will play a role in the administration.

The rest is history: including her botched attempt to create an acceptable health care plan FOR ALL U.S. citizens. There were some added missteps and fatalities along the way until she started porch sitting. Her ingrained rage and hostility was well known in the People's House. It surfaced again publicly in 2016.

She never was the brightest bulb in the room, just an opportunist who probably one day, long ago, gave decent head for the time period in which she enjoyed sucking dick to get "ahead" in life ... pun intended.

Another one recently fell out of the Dims candidate list. They are a dime a dozen.
HoeHummer's Avatar
LOLLING! Rent free.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
LOLLING! Rent free. Originally Posted by HoeHummer

You got that right. H led a rent free life.
LexusLover's Avatar
You got that right. H led a rent free life. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
She's always been behind a man unless she was on her knees.