Andy McCabe Is a Total Sleazebag...

lustylad's Avatar
... which is why he was hired by CNN after the FBI fired his lying ass!

Here's an excellent analysis of why the DOJ isn't prosecuting the slimeball. Written by Andrew McCarthy, a man who showed integrity as a federal prosecutor and incisiveness as a cable TV legal commentator - in other words, the exact opposite of McCabe!


Draining the swamp ain't easy. These subversive little cockroaches like McCabe are entrenched!
lustylad's Avatar
If you want to skip to the good part, here it is:

"As an old trial lawyer, I’d be remiss if I failed to rehearse my favorite part of the IG’s report — the part that would tell a jury everything they needed to know about good ol’ Andy McCabe.

Again, the Journal story generated by McCabe’s leak was published on October 30, a Sunday. Late that afternoon, McCabe called the head of the FBI’s Manhattan office. Why? Well . . . to ream him out over media leaks, that’s why. McCabe railed that New York agents must be the culprits. He also made a similar call to the Bureau’s Washington field office, warning its chief to “get his house in order” and stop these terribly damaging leaks.

It is worth remembering McCabe’s October 30 scolding of subordinates when you think about how he later claimed that, on the very next day, he’d freely admitted to his superior, Comey, that he himself was the source of the leak. Quite the piece of work, this guy: To throw the scent off himself after carefully arranging the leak, McCabe dressed down the FBI’s two premier field offices, knowing they were completely innocent, and then pretended for months that he knew nothing about the leak.

This is the second-highest-ranking officer of the nation’s top law-enforcement agency we’re talking about, here."

Everyone get that?

Fucking Andy McCabe chewed out his own subordinates and field offices for something he himself had done!!

And now he's an esteemed CNN contributor!

You can't make this shit up!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
they'll get him on the fisa stuff.

the sleazebag should have it comming.
lustylad's Avatar
And let's not forget how CNN made Michael Avanetti a rock star contributor for a while.

They sure know to pick 'em, don't they?

It's a wonder Jeff Zucker still has a job!
lustylad's Avatar
they'll get him on the fisa stuff.

the sleazebag should have it coming. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I would hope so. However, the author (Andy McCarthy) isn't so sure:

"McCabe is not out of the woods yet, of course: The Durham investigation is a separate matter, and it is continuing. But it is unclear whether he will face any criminal charges arising from that inquiry, whereas the now-dead-and-buried false-statements case against him looked cut-and-dried."
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
how interesting the leftist media continually hails the credibility of the intelligence agencies whenever Trump criticizes them as untrustworthy. and then you get this .. McCabe deliberately leaking info to the media, lying about it and covering his ass by trying to pin the blame on other agents under him. if this was only McCabe, an isolated incident .. but then you have Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Rosenstein, Strzok, Page, Mueller and his gang. see the pattern here?

while the leftanistas here jabber about Trump and Russia they refuse to believe the pattern of false intel and disinformation ... from our very intel agencies that is right in plain sight and has been all along. they believed without question the Intel communities narratives about the election and many other things that were meant to undermine both the election and Trump's presidency. they have been colluding from the start and haven't stopped yet. but does this stop the leftanistas here from posting constantly about Trump abuses of power, lies, crimes and clear ties to Russia?

NOPE! these pee-brains call it wild ass conspiracy theories while continuing to believe the real false narrative by our saintly and trustworthy Intel community ... THE SWAMP ITSELF!

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-17-2020, 07:11 AM
You stupid fucks think the Intel community made up Russian involvement in our elections...

You think Crowdstrike is Ukraine!

Get the fuck outta here with this minor shit to justify Yrumps continually lying.
  • oeb11
  • 02-17-2020, 07:12 AM
Total inability to see the Facts of McCabe's documented lies - ftw.

Such a waste of bandwidth!

How are you positioning j666 for his run to beat Trump for the Oval Office ?????
bambino's Avatar
And let's not forget how CNN made Michael Avanetti a rock star contributor for a while.

They sure know to pick 'em, don't they?

It's a wonder Jeff Zucker still has a job! Originally Posted by lustylad
Sucker is in talks with HoDummer and WTFF as guest anal lists!!!!!
if mccabe wasn't so pretentious, he'd still be no good

as the op says, " a total sleazebag"

that reminds me of a joke

i was told that in English the use of a double negative in a sentence converts the meaning to a positive, but a double positive doesn't change the meaning to a negative.

to which I answered, "yeah, right"
lustylad's Avatar
You stupid fucks think the Intel community made up Russian involvement in our elections...

You think Crowdstrike is Ukraine!

Get the fuck outta here with this minor shit to justify Yrumps continually lying. Originally Posted by WTF
Deflect much?

This thread is about the lying liar named Andy McCabe, the lies he told at the FBI and the lies he now spouts on CNN.

P.S. Who's Yrump? And how do you justify 5 misspellings in every post?
HoeHummer's Avatar
Total inability to see the Facts of McCabe's documented lies - ftw.

Such a waste of bandwidth!

How are you positioning j666 for his run to beat Trump for the Oval Office ????? Originally Posted by oeb11
Total inability to recognize fact from fiction.

You stupid fucks think the Intel community made up Russian involvement in our elections...

You think Crowdstrike is Ukraine!

Get the fuck outta here with this minor shit to justify Yrumps continually lying. Originally Posted by WTF
No, the Intel Community didn't make it up they just reported what was made up.
No, the Intel Community didn't make it up they just reported what was made up. Originally Posted by Levianon17
a distinction needs to be made when talking about the intelligence community and the justice department in these matters between the total sleazebags who let partisanship inform their actions and those who are truly professional