Rudy Giuliani suspended from practicing law in New York over false statements about Trump election loss

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Anybody surprised that this would happen?

I'm surprised Trump didn't have him removed after the third time Rudy made him look like a fool.

In fact, if not for Giuliani, Trump might never have been impeached the first time.

Let that sink in, folks.

Apparently there ARE consequences for knowingly and deliberately spreading lies and false conspiracies. Go figure!


Rudy Giuliani suspended from practicing law in New York over false statements about Trump election loss
Dan Mangan
  • A New York court suspended Rudy Giuliani from practicing law in New York state due to making “false and misleading statements” about the election loss of President Donald Trump.
  • The suspension is a stunning blow to Giuliani, the former New York City mayor who previously served as the top federal prosecutor in Manhattan.
  • Giuliani and Trump have since last November made false claims about the legitimacy of the election of President Joe Biden.

A New York court on Thursday suspended Rudy Giuliani from practicing law in New York state due to making “false and misleading statements” about the election loss of former President Donald Trump, his client.

The suspension, which takes effect immediately, is a stunning blow to Giuliani, the former New York City mayor who previously served as a top Justice Department official and as the U.S. Attorney in Manhattan.

It also comes as Giuliani is under criminal investigation by that same federal prosecutor’s office in Manhattan in connection with his work in Ukraine.

Giuliani and Trump since last November have made false claims about the legitimacy of the election of President Joe Biden, claiming that Trump was swindled out of a victory only by widespread ballot fraud in key swing states.

Giuliani’s suspension, which was ordered a day short of his 52nd anniversary as a licensed lawyer in New York, was sought by the Attorney Grievance Committee for the First Judicial Department, which encompasses Manhattan. The suspension was granted by the Appellate Division for that same department of state Supreme Court.

The court, in its 33-page suspension order, noted that “interim suspension is a serious remedy, available only in situations where it is immediately necessary to protect the public from” an attorney’s violations of the Rules of Professional Conduct.

“We conclude that there is uncontroverted evidence that respondent communicated demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers and the public at large in his capacity as lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump and the Trump campaign in connection with Trump’s failed effort at reelection in 2020,” the order said.

The court also said Giuliani’s “false statements were made to improperly bolster respondent’s narrative that due to widespread voter fraud, victory in the 2020 United States presidential election was stolen from his client.”

“We conclude that respondent’s conduct immediately threatens the public interest and warrants interim suspension from the practice of law, pending further proceedings before the Attorney Grievance Committee.”

One of the examples cited by the order was Giuliani’s repeated claim in an effort to discredit election results that “dead people ‘voted’ in Philadelphia.”

Giuliani at various times claimed that 8,021 dead people’s ballots were cast, “while also reporting the number as 30,000.”

“As the anecdotal poster child to prove this point, he repeatedly stated that famous heavyweight boxer Joe Frazier continued to vote years after he was dead and stated on November 7, 2020 ‘he is still voting here,’ ” the order noted.

In fact, the order added, “The public records submitted on this motion unequivocally show that respondent’s statement is false. Public records show that Pennsylvania formally cancelled Mr. Frazier’s eligibility to vote on February 8, 2012, three months after he died.”

Giuliani’s suspension is temporary, pending the outcome of a full formal disciplinary hearing.

His lawyers John Leventhal and Barry Kamins said in a statement, “We are disappointed with the Appellate Division, First Department’s decision suspending Mayor Giuliani prior to being afforded a hearing on the issues that are alleged.”

“This is unprecedented as we believe that our client does not pose a present danger to the public interest,” the statement said. “We believe that once the issues are fully explored at a hearing Mr. Giuliani will be reinstated as a valued member of the legal profession that he has served so well in his many capacities for so many years.”

New York state Sen. Brad Hoylman, (D-Manhattan, who had filed the formal complaint with the Attorney Grievance Committee, said, “I’m glad” about the suspension.

“The profession of law is a sacred and noble one,” Hoylman said in a statement. “And there can be no room in the profession for those who seek to undermine and undo the rule of law as Rudy Giuliani has so flagrantly done.”
Well, if he wasn’t lying and had proof, like all the fools claim, I presume he would have presented it to the Disciplinary Counsel to avoid losing his license. Guess he didn’t have any proof after all, which anyone with sense would have known.
winn dixie's Avatar
This is only backroom partisan politics being played in a highly controlled lib state.
txdot-guy's Avatar
It's called Karma. He deserves everything he gets.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
When all is said and done, I hope he's made to tell the truth. In the end, I hope they throw a large and painful book at him.

The RWWs on this board should hope the same, after what this con man did to their con man.


Yssup Rider's Avatar
This is only backroom partisan politics being played in a highly controlled lib state. Originally Posted by winn dixie
So you believe he was truthful in his testimony?

Or do you believe he believed he was truthful in his testimony?

He farted in one of his appearances. That was truth!

Lucas McCain's Avatar
Trump hired Rudy about 25-30 years past his prime. The younger Rudy who went after the mob would have actually had a clue what he was doing.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yep. That was the Rudy who was elected Mayor of NYC.

I don't know what happened to him, but when he got his ass whipped in two presidential cycles, he hitched his wagon to a SCAR!

bambino's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
JUNE 24, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America.

Can you believe that New York wants to strip Rudy Giuliani, a great American Patriot, of his law license because he has been fighting what has already been proven to be a Fraudulent Election? The greatest Mayor in the history of New York City, the Eliot Ness of his generation, one of the greatest crime fighters our Country has ever known, and this is what the Radical Left does to him. All of New York is out of control, crime is at an all-time high—it’s nothing but a Witch Hunt, and they should be ashamed of themselves. TAKE BACK AMERICA!

VitaMan's Avatar

Try doing your job honorably
offshoredrilling's Avatar

Try doing your job honorably Originally Posted by VitaMan
yes Judges should

but they would not hear his defense mmmmmm
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That's because he's already shown his ass in just about every court in America.

He's blown it out his ass a couple of times too.
bambino's Avatar

Try doing your job honorably Originally Posted by VitaMan
Take the red pill. It will do you wonders;
offshoredrilling's Avatar
That's because he's already shown his ass in just about every court in America.

He's blown it out his ass a couple of times too. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
is that not a Lawyers job ???