75 Years Ago Real Americans Took On Real Nazis

These were real Nazis firing machine guns at brave Americans who were trying to pull Europe back to civility for the second time in 25 years. Not the modern day "Nazi" who doesn't want his daughter to share the same public bathroom with some guy who identifies as a woman. Absolutely shameful that the media plays up people who claim to be tolerant by calling people who disagree with them "Nazis".

Let us remember the sacrifices of these Americans and what a real Nazi is.
lustylad's Avatar
"There are two kinds of people who are staying on this beach: those who are dead and those who are going to die. Let’s get the hell out of here."

- Col. George A. Taylor, 16th Infantry Regiment, Omaha Beach, June 6, 1944

I B Hankering's Avatar

These were real Nazis firing machine guns at brave Americans who were trying to pull Europe back to civility for the second time in 25 years. Not the modern day "Nazi" who doesn't want his daughter to share the same public bathroom with some guy who identifies as a woman. Absolutely shameful that the media plays up people who claim to be tolerant by calling people who disagree with them "Nazis".

Let us remember the sacrifices of these Americans and what a real Nazi is. Originally Posted by gnadfly
National Geographic ran a show on D-Day last night. NGC is doing similar shows all week. Until last night, I didn't realize that that particular picture had a name.

The picture was of a LCVP (Landing Craft, Vehicle, Personnel) from the U.S. Coast Guard-manned U.S.S. Samuel Chase disembarking troops of Company E, 16th Infantry, 1st Infantry Division ("the Big Red One") to wade ashore at what was designated the "Fox Green" section of "Bloody Omaha" on 6 June 1944. The picture is titled: Into The Jaws Of Death It was taken by a Sargent in the Coast Guard: Chief Photographer's Mate (CPHoM) Robert F. Sargent.

  • oeb11
  • 06-05-2019, 04:10 PM
Amen to above posters!
IBH - thanks for the provenance of a much published pic - I knew not either.
Leet us never forget, despite how the DPST's try to push America to totalitarianism
I can't amagine the courage it took to do what those men did.

When someone calls someone a NAZI today, they are showing their ignorance that the true evil that defined NAZi Germany.
What's sad/ironic in part is that these real heroes of America gave their lives so that now the dems and the left have the freedom to trash them.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
my grand uncle was on that french beach. don't know which one tho.
Redhot1960's Avatar

These were real Nazis firing machine guns at brave Americans who were trying to pull Europe back to civility for the second time in 25 years. Not the modern day "Nazi" who doesn't want his daughter to share the same public bathroom with some guy who identifies as a woman. Absolutely shameful that the media plays up people who claim to be tolerant by calling people who disagree with them "Nazis".

Let us remember the sacrifices of these Americans and what a real Nazi is. Originally Posted by gnadfly
God Damn crying shame. We will never forget the GREATEST GENERATION!!!

communist's call everybody NAZI. commies are the super nazi's

Also 75 yrs. ago this month in the Pacific...America men with the Grumman F6F Hellcat(my uncle was one of the pilots) all but wiped out the Japanese Air Force in one of the greatest naval battles in history "The Great Marianas Turkey Shoot"
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
The really big naval battle was Midway. We weren't sure we could win that one. That was 77 years ago this week.
The turkey shoot essentially wipe out their air power...without air superiority no country has a chance of winning...like in Europe the D-Day invasion wouldn't have succeeded without the allies dominating the skies.
This happen the same month and year of D-Day...that was the topic of this thread...75 yrs. ago.

If you want to really discuss war turning battles...40'Battle of Britain...https://www.history.com/topics/world...ritain-1...all about air superiority against the Nazis.

Without it there would have been no Normandy invasion. The 43' invasion of Italy was bogged down.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
True heroes. I can't imagine what was going through the minds of those brave individuals on that day. Some of those still alive who participated in the invasion on June 6, 1944 have been on TV this week. Amazing stories of bravery to tell.
rexdutchman's Avatar
They were Real men , real Heroes

Sadly I don't think society today has the same true grit
TheDaliLama's Avatar
At the age of 22 my dad piloted a B-24 Liberator and led 9 other young men into battle over Nazi Germany.

The Army Air Corps were the first ones in and the last ones out..
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I'm having some connectivity issues but there is a famous photograph of Eisenhower addressing members of the 101st Airborne the day before they dropped into Normandy. I'm a World War II buff and have been since junior high school. That means for over 40 years I've seen the photograph many, many times. Last year I was doing some research and found out something remarkable; when you look at Eisenhower he is talking directly at a tall man wearing a helmet and positioned to Eisenhower's left, and it looks like his head is balanced on Ike's first, is my dad's cousin Sherman. Corporal Sherman (no last name because of trolls) survived the war though his brother Lyle died on the beach that day. He came home to Topeka, KS and taught history until he retired. I wish I could say more but you know, the troll problem.
If someone could post the photo I would appreciate it.