grandstanding by the Democrats

VitaMan's Avatar
Now the 2 leaders of the Democratic party in the House are giving out soundbites for impeachment. Well, go ahead......impeach him. It's just grandstanding by them to get into the headlines.
Nobody can “grandstand” and get in the headlines like Trump. See yesterday.
Must be a supporter of the idiot in chief of low ego
Grace Preston's Avatar
Well.. there is actually a purpose to it. If they could actually get the Senate on board to convict him and remove him-- then he is no longer entitled to pay for the rest of his life, nor any of the other benefits that come from being President.

However-- with 2 weeks left... its really not fucking likely, even if everyone was on board.
The Cruz's and the other ass kissing stupid people would try to block. It would be sweet though
Now the 2 leaders of the Democratic party in the House are giving out soundbites for impeachment. Well, go ahead......impeach him. It's just grandstanding by them to get into the headlines. Originally Posted by VitaMan
It's a practice round as to when they have to install President Hoochiebag.

Well.. there is actually a purpose to it. If they could actually get the Senate on board to convict him and remove him-- then he is no longer entitled to pay for the rest of his life, nor any of the other benefits that come from being President.

However-- with 2 weeks left... its really not fucking likely, even if everyone was on board. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Agreed. But they need to do it before Trump makes his Marc Rich pardons. It also makes it easier for the SDNY to prosecute him after office.
Also he would not be able to run for election again. And to the republicans that might be something they’re interested in. He’d officially be gone snd can’t gum up the 2024 election. If he wanted to be a total ass he’d run as an independent just to fuck the Republican candidates.

Impeachment would prevent that.
Lapdog's Avatar
Also he would not be able to run for election again. And to the republicans that might be something they’re interested in. He’d officially be gone snd can’t gum up the 2024 election. If he wanted to be a total ass he’d run as an independent just to fuck the Republican candidates.

Impeachment would prevent that. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Blackman, is the first impeachment not enough for that?
txdot-guy's Avatar
The republican party needs this just as much as the democratic party does. Trump is a cancer on our system of democracy and needs to be removed from politics completely.
The gop is still looking to see if they have grown a pair yet. Half want to kiss corrupt ass and the other half are just corrupt. They don't have enough since to remember last week when the devil went down to Georgia and sunk the gop
Grace Preston's Avatar
Blackman, is the first impeachment not enough for that? Originally Posted by Lapdog

Nope. Senate didn't convict. Both have to happen PLUS the Senate has to opt to remove him from office. Clinton was impeached and convicted, but not removed-- for example. Nixon resigned before impeachment, so he got his benefits, etc for life.
There's a new improved senate coming to that corrupt town to serve the real Americans and not a pos of (just name it
VitaMan's Avatar
So much grandstanding and piling on.....not just by Democrats......and so little time.
Nobody can “grandstand” and get in the headlines like Trump. See yesterday. Originally Posted by Prolongus

Yesterday the MSM played Pelosi's and Schumer's plea to impeach or use the 25A. Multiple times.

I only saw Trump's apology and concession speech once on Fox.

Nobody grandstands like Pelosi. And she rarely takes questions unless they are planted.
VitaMan's Avatar
What ? Cabinet resigning. Old Republicans coming out of the woodwork. Staff resigning. Just shut up for 12 days......but no. Like rats leaving a sinking ship.