Scruitiny of AMPs in JoCo

Does anyone know how much extra scrutiny the AMPs are getting in JoCo with all the latest news (eg. Kraft). How "safe" is it at the moment.

I see there are reviews being posted so obviously some people are continuing to go to them. I just wonder how much they are under surveillance.

Hey123's Avatar
That's probably one of those things you don't know about until its too late. my 2 cents.
Boredinop's Avatar
^^^^^I agree.
Considering that there will be a number of lawsuits against the donut grabbers involved in that situation, it might actually be less scrutiny. Although the phrase has been wildly thrown around in ' news' articles, there has been no proof of human trafficking.
nsafun05's Avatar
Like Hey123 said, we won't know until its too late. They take their time investigating these places. When they were busted 10 years ago or so they had been watched for several months before anyone was arrested.
TheLowDown's Avatar
There is a new street camera on a light pole on clairbourne in Olathe by big lots..just saying.