FYI....Phishing scam PSA

  • mm03
  • 02-16-2015, 06:44 AM
This just started again this morning. Chase and BoA account holders are being targeted by a phishing scam.

You'll get an email that looks pretty authentic telling you that your bank is doing security upgrades and that you need to log into your account to add additional security information. The link goes to the phishing website and will steal your information if you enter it.

Your bank will never send an email asking for or telling you that you need to log in to provide additional info.

billw1032's Avatar
Got one a few months ago. Looked semi-official but suspicious. Forwarded it to Chase security and they confirmed it was a scam. NEVER click on a link in an email unless it comes from someone you know and trust, and even then only if the message seems in character for the person it supposedly comes from.