Internet Explorer not working

ca1962's Avatar
My Internet Explorer suddenly stopped working. I keep getting the error message even after rebooting several times. I had to switch to Google Chrome. All of my passwords and favorites are stored on IE, so it would be a pain to do a switch to Google Chrome. Anyone have ideas how I can get IE back?
pyramider's Avatar
Why would you even want it back?
bored@home's Avatar
Trey sides is kind of right but if you for what ever reason really want to go back you need to give more info.
"Errors" is to vague to venture a guess on a proper solution short of using the advanced option that resets the browser. Been so long I'm fuzzy on the steps but I bet google can point you in right direction.
ca1962's Avatar
Thanks to those who replied and PM'd me. Apparently it was a temporary Norton problem. It is working fine now.