I thought she was right here...

This... sandbox... earlieriii I was here. and there was... the girl that had the mole on one side of her lip and then the other girl with shorter hair..who was a different girl..who was trying to get registered and you guys did it. You happened to have registered two fucking girls for the same girl. Way to go retards. Anyways I showed the link and now somone took it down.

It's ok. Obviously a two girl/one girl discrepancy only brings up what could be wrong about the situation but... fact...

Fact: The thread is closed
Fact: The thread is public
Fact: The public thread could change in it's static form which can be trusted now it can be transformed to a dynamic sinple by bvuilding a RMDBS but... the CLR and things.. and then ...well someone knows I'm talking about the stack.

And the Heap. And the heap. Stack and Heap and it always ends this way...

Oh no... it's like the maiden voyage of the Hindenburg. Remember that? Hmmmm.. yes... the maiden voyage and then kabom... no.. not like that this time... this time.. here I got the best dick sucker and she sucks dick realy good.

I digress..you are right dear reader..where was I? Oh yes... sex trafficking.. geez... when Maddog fell over from ASPD.net dead and the girl who owned it...Jaime... or it started with a J..anyways.. ASPD.net... Member since then... and was there...when Maddog died...and the privacy...and the server taken down by the otehr dead person... a girl... and it was my username on both....

Joey playing on 91.7 (now)

Ahhhh...I love this song...

Just listen.. I tell that myself instead of getting worked up about this girl...the two girls actually but it's the second one I like.. not the first one.. I would skull fuck either of them sure but... cum down throught and all.. and then there... cahhhh... ahhh... mmmm.. yeah.. suck me.. suck ..suck.. and I jerk off into her mouth.. and fill up my sock with cum and I'm a lurker...

I lurk here.. and that is what I do.. and I get my rocks off and it's nice...

Most nice. It' sl like fuckong except not. It's mmm mmm good fuking to the pussy sometimes in my mind... and I grab a boob.. so yeah...I've done it before.. not much but enough to remember what that boob grab felt like...doggie style with me just.. like fucing the shit out of the girl and riding it hard and fucking like ever and ..then getting the thoughts... that ev en though it was the first time with this bitch, slut or whore... like.. I got bored... not like... anythng sexual...right in the middle of sex... and aAND AND the girl is doing everything right. Really and its ...it lasts for just a few seconds until I usually grab the buttcheeks and s2uuexe and say nah bitch yer getting fucked tight even if yo pussy be not very tight and its loose or I got a small dick...heck..I'll believe that from you.. you are the expert in hard dicks right SO I
m small penis mccoy and can only get off when I swqueeze your buttcheeks and get it ticht and maneuver down and go in at an angle and finally just bust that nut...

Actually it does come down to trying..to bust that nut that wont crack..and for me it...it doesn't crack as much as I thought it would or should... actually I am... worried about my prostrate... and think. I should get that checked but ewww gross.. yuck icky gross.. and I curl up and think....
I curl up and think about pussy.. Shit nothing...well...a whole lot I'd fuck in this lifetime and next one for sure. I would fuck some pussy. Most the time just caucasion chicks... but every once in awhile I'm like dang on a bunch of other races. Indians lately and I do not know why. It's...and..middle eastern ladies... I mean.. I know... you could cal them other names but...call girls is what I call them...

Girls is what they are... really. I mean.most but even the 54 yo is a call girl technically...and technically..if you say whore...you better be fucking her and have read a review... techincally... But before then... treat her like a lady. Like the one...2 I see in an advertiement right nw. One is black or middle estern....so..that type of black... Not Michelle black but... her friends... anyways.. she has white panites on.. and a necklace that looks like it could be from..well..it's a beaded necklace with white around the back nd different colors going to the base of the front neck...going into a v.... so nicely...anyways... I'm getting hard on her. and I imagine fucking her and she has been fucked beofre and it's nice to think of fucking her with my dick in my hands.... and there is another advertisment that goes horizontally across the page and it's also full of mystery and sex and a fuckable bitch... who I would fuck.
Damnthetorpedoes's Avatar
The Hindenburg made dozens of flights before it went kaboom.

The Titanic went down on her maiden voyage.
Omg. I love you. Keep posting.
bored@home's Avatar
So how was your holiday weekend? Sounds like a blast!
By the by, I think everyone who creates an account is a registered member, I think you are confusing it with verified provider. Oh and only the ww intro is locked, the other thread is still active just dispelled.

Self edit,
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Op. There is no CLR on this site.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I'd be mildly interested in an very condensed English translation of this post if some one who is fluent in gibberish has a few extra minutes.
boomvang's Avatar
I knew it was a lie. William S Burroughs lives.
milfy2002's Avatar
I'd be mildly interested in an very condensed English translation of this post if some one who is fluent in gibberish has a few extra minutes. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
He thinks one of the new providers on the welcome wagon is two different ladies because he doesn't understand what a difference a haircut and flipping a photo can make. In one pic her mole is on one side, and in the other pic it appears to change location to the other side...mirror image like when you use your selfie cam.

Hope this helps!