9/11/2001 anniversary -are you positive about the future?

Ashi's Avatar
  • Ashi
  • 09-11-2015, 06:00 AM
Maybe this is the wrong board .... just to take a little attention away from the BB and NBA threads...and put things in perspective.

This is the day when most of us remember exactly the details of where were we, who were we with, etc, 14 years ago. Some of us realize that in only 14 years we almost erased it from collective memory. Our western way of life is changing dramatically. Western Europe will be a memory in a few decades and we here are so myopic and superficial we do not see how the society is changing under our feet. We are so self centered, egomaniacs.

THE QUESTION: are you positive about the future, maybe 30 years from now? ( FYI, I am not...). Are the Hobby days on their way out? should we enjoy while it lasts?
Take a moment to remember the fallen, and the ones whose lives got shattered 14 years ago!
Ashi's Avatar
  • Ashi
  • 09-11-2015, 06:17 AM
I was thinking about the wealth effect and quality impact. I agree a crisis will unfortunately force more providers into the profession, but the quality will not meet the Hobby levels...imho.
Moved to correct forum
plove35's Avatar
I am positive about the future. There are horrific times in every generation, hell America started because of social change. Im sure the american slaves or jews of the holocaust had positive thoughts of the future. Americans thought the world was over during cival rights era, and the cuban missle crisis.

The world will go on, and get better
Never Forget.
Chung Tran's Avatar

THE QUESTION: are you positive about the future, maybe 30 years from now? Originally Posted by Ashi
no... but that's probably been a common answer from people over 40, to this question at any time in history.. there's some reason to believe that our best days are behind us.. the Middle-Class, for example, was much stronger in the 1950's and 60's, as a relative proportion of total wealth.. fewer social problems then.. less worldwide strife.

on the flipside, even poor people today have TV's, cell phones, less hunger.. minority peoples are more welcomed.

30 years out? I think Malthusian principles well come into play... population growth is almost completely centered in, let's say, under-developed nations, which will depress economic growth... more Countries will become dangerous, as the world gets smaller and more intertwined.. however, if you asked me this question in 1935, I would probably have given the same damn answer..

bottom line, really, is.. who the fuck knows?
It is great to never forget what happened 14 years ago today, but to live and sulk in the past that you cannot change instead of moving on and learning from it so that history does not repeat itself is a cop out as well as a waste of time and energy.
ktiix's Avatar
  • ktiix
  • 09-11-2015, 08:50 AM
30 years ago people were scared it was end times, 60, 90, 120, 150 etc. Anxiety for the future is natural I think, but I also think that humanity as a whole is far more resilient than anyone gives it credit for being. I think it's going to keep progressing. We may not be in an era of grandeur or renaissance but we are progressing. The next leap is in the future and I am confident in our young minds.
Jessika Sweetz's Avatar
My heart is with all the families who lost loved ones
love_jones's Avatar
I am positive about what "I" can control....the rest of this shit...not so much. Live....LOVE...and Leave shit alone that don't pertain to you and your future will be just fine.
Red Slick McQuade's Avatar
I think the world's next 911 type tragedy will be perpetrated by, or facilitated by Iran.

Therefore, to the brain dead USA hating filthy liberal twats that are trying to deal with Iran, I say "WHAT THE FUCK?!? YOU FUCKEN FUCKS!!!
Hercules's Avatar
How many blink an eye on Dec. 7th now-a-days? And look what we had to do to bring that shit to an end.
TexTushHog's Avatar
There are lots of ups and downs on the way, but the general course of human history is toward a more just and better society. I am optimistic that will continue when we look at hundred year time scales. Anything else is just noise in the signal.
Chung Tran's Avatar
  • DSK
  • 09-11-2015, 04:35 PM
Personally, I think we are going to hell, but I'm doing well, deservedly so. I'm counting on Mr. Trump to turn it around.