How dose a Provider Hobby without her Heart?

I'm curious regarding the technique of how Veteran-Providers Hobby without there Heart. I'm an extremely LOW volume fact I maintain a Full-Time Career outside of the Hobby. The unfortunate incident happened in the Quarter on New Years Eve...I believe that I may have truly hurt the feelings of another Human Being. If my inadvertent actions could be taken back I would certainly attempt to turn back time...and being a 'True Lady' I'll not divulge the details; however I was compensated, treated like a Lady, alas provided full fare for a Taxi safely home. My IQ is 124 so I'm not unintelligent by any means...perhaps its because the 23rd will mark my one year Anniversary and I'm a Healer by nature, my Curse all be it my Blessing is you get ALL of me. The majority of my Encounters are with the same circle of Gentlemen I do quite well...what perplexes me is how you keep it a business without loosing your humanity.
pyramider's Avatar
Well, I know the ladies I see are human ... they all laugh when I get undressed. A couple laughed so hard they started hyperventilating, so now I carry small paperbags when I go to incalls. The hobby is a personal adventure and I believe it just depends on how the individual approaches the adventure.
Thank-You Pyramider:

Laughter is the BEST Rx...I've taken this a tad bit more personal than most simply for the fact that I'm a Healer not a Hurter. I surmise by your Avatar that you were endowed with the Abby-Normal Brain as well...WERE a 'Special Lot' and see things a little different than most. Once again I appreciate your taking the drop a little knowledge my way.
You have to learn how to turn your emotional switch "off". This is a business just like anything else! Just imagine how things would be like if businessmen incorporated their emotions and feelings into a business deal. (Ecsp. if it wasn't in their favour) Wouldn't that be kinda scary? Lol.

But then too, we are women and our vaginas also can explain the way we act and feel. This profession is physically and emotionally personal to us.


As a woman, (or a vagina) we have the ability to take things in (Penises). Since we are taking things in, we hold on to them for a while. Kinda like how we can hold onto emotions.

Men (Penises) have the ability to stick themselves in a situation (Vagina) and withdraw themselves unscathed. Men really don't get too emotional when they can withdraw themselves from sex.

Like you I am fairly new to this past time, I just remind myself that both parties should know what we are doing, we should be well aware what we came to do, and how we found each other, the rest is a show, we have fun and then we part ways.

More directly, keep it a business by knowing what you are here for, while mixing things up and letting them flow naturally is more fun, you have to be careful how much you allow the fun to take over. You can quickly go past the norm if you don't. I guess what i'm saying is you need to set your ground rules I'll do this, this, and this, but not that. You stick to the rules and you'll never feel like the bad guy, this is the way business is done. When something outside the rules comes up you have a conversation that will go something like; "Oh no sir we cannot do this it is outside the realm of my services", and just like that the this is done, and your not the bad guy because you are simply stating the rules, and putting the ball in their court, the other individual must decide what they will do from there.

In short don't cross that line, you know what took you guys to this point, remember it and use it, make sure you don't go there again, or find a way to go there safely.
oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 01-02-2013, 08:36 AM
There is nothing wrong with having a bond with people you meet. I've done it with the 70yr old checker at the grocery or the teen bagger. You can take the human interaction out but you are just building your own prison.
Once Again Thank-U ECCIE Family:

I was brought up to be an EXTREMELY private person, 'If you don't have a Pot to Piss in nobody'll EVER know it' beloved Grandma was fond of saying. I also know were only as damaged as our darkest secret, my reasoning for reaching out for some guidance...I truly appreciate the Community.
Brownsugarbaby: WoW...that's Amazing Philosophy you most certainly are wise beyond your years.
Cezaah: I LOVE was when I went too far it didn't make sense, 3 days with a Stranger???
Oden: My full time Career is RE...the ability to bond with other people is the reason for my success.
Ladies' Gent: Yes...he is 'Passionate Tender-Hearted MAN' thus my feeling lower than a Snails Belly.
In Conclusion...allow me to drop some Mardi Gras knowledge your way, Theme Song for Rex 1871
“If ever I cease to love, if ever I cease to love...
May fish get legs and cows lay eggs...
If ever I cease to love.”
pyramider's Avatar
Thank-You Pyramider:

Laughter is the BEST Rx...I've taken this a tad bit more personal than most simply for the fact that I'm a Healer not a Hurter. I surmise by your Avatar that you were endowed with the Abby-Normal Brain as well...WERE a 'Special Lot' and see things a little different than most. Once again I appreciate your taking the drop a little knowledge my way. Originally Posted by Ninotsugi
Do you know my mom? Her name is Abby. Please do not tell her I am a tainted soul.

Most would say I drop very little knowledge anyone's way. Our interactions whether mental, or physical, have the potential to touch someone. It can be the little things that cause a bond between people. A simple smile, opening a door, aid a stranger, posting taint, helping a neighbor, etc can have a profound effect on another.
Thank-You Pyramider:

Indeed 'Random Acts of Kindness' not done in a 'Holier Than Thou' intention...the WORLD attempts to rob us of our ability to do this daily, being able to 'Post Taint' as you so humorously put it is a Gift.
It is a part of us that we should never lose. It enables us to maintain our humbleness and enthusiasm and not become just a subculture or routine!”
The Character of Childlike Faith
jbravo_123's Avatar
For some reason, I'm reminded of the Dicks/Assholes/Pussies speech from Team America: World Police...

Anyways, I think given the rather intimate nature of the hobby, it can sometimes get pretty tough to keep emotions completely separate for some hobbists and providers. I would also think that having some sort of human connection there makes the entire experience more enjoyable both for the client and the provider, so it would make good business sense to me to at least have something there too.
Thank-You Jbravo123:

I believe I'm in Love with your Avatar...OMG the 'Dicks/Assholes/Pussies Speech' YOU have my Vote:
...”Pussies may think they can deal with assholes their way. But the only thing that can fuck an asshole is a dick, with some balls. The problem with dicks is: they fuck too much or fuck when it isn't appropriate — and it takes a pussy to show them that”...
I'm in complete accord with you regarding the Human-Connection...perhaps this Pussy believed I could deal with the Asshole my own way (sarcasm). Honestly though Connection has actually made me a better Provider...its unfortunate that when the situation went South there were real feelings there, if I were a 'True Provider' I had already been compensated I could have easily skipped out on the Crucifixion.

pyramider's Avatar
Thank-You Pyramider:

Indeed 'Random Acts of Kindness' not done in a 'Holier Than Thou' intention...the WORLD attempts to rob us of our ability to do this daily, being able to 'Post Taint' as you so humorously put it is a Gift.
It is a part of us that we should never lose. It enables us to maintain our humbleness and enthusiasm and not become just a subculture or routine!”
The Character of Childlike Faith
Originally Posted by Ninotsugi

Actually, the ladies I see there is already a bit of a bond due to following each other on icky, or other SHMBs. When we finally meet it can be like old friends seeing each other. At least, from my tainted perspective we were already intimate prior to an appointment. It also helps that they laugh uncontrollably at me when I undress. At that point all pretense has gone out the window, way out the window.
B.Wayne's Avatar
I often wonder too.
Thank-You Pyramider & B.Wayne:

At this point my observation becomes one of opposing perspectives...perhaps my solution lies with the conses of the people I'm providing this Service to. Do Gentlemen feel more at ease with someone who keeps it purely on a 'Business Level' walk-in pay have Coitus and then go home, no fuss no muss perspective. Or do you crave that presence giving you something that matter how fleeting the moment, were ALL adults here theirs something innate in OUR natures that desifers the intentions of others. Once given the true Gift of your completion...would not Eros serve as your Gift:
“The Modern Greek word "erotas" means "intimate love;" however, Eros does not have to be sexual in nature.”
A Greek-English Lexicon
, on Perseus
There is no situation where a woman goes in without her heart. It's the condition of the heart that matters.

A secure heart, knowing full well who she is and what she needs to continue to be whole will go into this HOWEVER she does making decisions about her business based on these facts, and is a happy companion. She doesn't consider the client; in fact the client is drawn to her. Anyone undeserving of her energy won't get it.

Damaged hearts beget damaged companions. She stays close to burnout because she is used to neglecting herself. All she knows is the basics: he gives her money, and he can do what he wants with her.

I'm for whatever helps a lady see the good in a man, enjoy that good, know that she's been compensated not by reciprocated long term amorous feelings, and let him walk out the door without feeling cheated by giving him such a special gift.