which is more sexy?

pickupkid's Avatar
happybanana's Avatar
Absolutely!!! Give me a girl with curves any day of the week...

Doris day's Avatar
ew eating disorder on the right
Guest042715's Avatar
Ill take "curvy for $200.00" Alex!
pyramider's Avatar
Without seeing taint it's impossible to tell.

Curves in all the right places .....Yes curves it is!!

shorty's Avatar
Both but one on right is alittle to skinny for my taste. I don't want to see a ladies ribs or pelvic bones.
If you'd like to know what body type men prefer, here's a little poll I took last year...Results were very telling
Cpalmson's Avatar
I'm taking the one on the right. I like thinner women.
setman's Avatar
Thicka is betta!

ICU 812's Avatar
I like the girl in (and out of) the black string bikini!

Its an Eye-Of-The-Beholder issue.
er48665's Avatar
Me likey the curvy one.
Good thing Marilyn has the one-piece on. Those stretch marks would ruin it for everybody.

It's all about context. Low angle, flattering light, hair and makeup artists working with glamour photographer vs. random paparazzi shot... Twiggy there never had a chance.

What about this comparison?

Now which do you prefer?