Incall Security/Precautionary Measures

I'm just curious as to what security/precautionary measures other providers use in regard to receiving new incall clients into their homes, etc. Outside of the proverbial pre-screening, how else do you safeguard yourself from possible LE intrusion for instance? What methods work best for you?
shorty's Avatar
Never see a new client at a home or where you sleep at. You just never know the intentions of anyone, know matter how well known there are. There have been a few guys here in AR that has harmed, blackmaled, burglerized a few ladies that had incalls at there home or apartment.
pyramider's Avatar
Most have baseball bats, tazers, knives, guns, brass knuckles, etc scattered around the incalls in case a fucktard over steps his welcome. As far as LE, screening is what you got, with a warrant they can come in any time.
Hey Shorty- So kind of you as a hobbiest to sit there and tell a lady that she should not see clients at her place. If you are not going to pay for her incall or hotel then you should just shut up and mind your own business.

KarynKumming- I use my place as an incall. Get ready for some judgmental women and men hopping on this thread to shake their rulers at you. They won't pay your bills, bail you out of jail or pay your medical bills but boy they sure love to judge and we are not even in church. LOL!

I screen very hard. I have a very large dog that is sweet as sugar but he is not going to let anyone harm his mama. I am a gun owner and I do keep one close by. If you know a lady in this biz that you can trust then I suggest you call her when the client shows and when he leaves.

Keep all personal items that you have your real information away from your entertaining area. Hide photos of your family. I know it sounds paranoid but why would you want anyone to know what your family and loved ones look like. They are not going to introduce you to their family and friends.
BBW Katrina's Avatar
I'm with you Mikki. I work from home as well. Hotels scare me and I do not out calls, they scare me more. At home I am at my most comfortable and familiar. I have a big ass dog that likes to bite and dislikes unknown men. She is put away during appts, but she is just a step away. In addition I have a gun and an array of many other weapons. I set MY rules. I run MY business MY way. For those who judge....well.....judge on. LE avoidance can only be done through screening.
BBW Katrina's Avatar
Oh, and yes. Always let someone know you have an appt. JIC.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Holy Hell Mikki, relax. The Shorty did say never but his advice isn't wrong. It isn't always feasible but it isn't wrong. Let's not judge either way. "Having your home as your incall isn't ideal, but it's a lot cheaper so try to make it safer by..."
prograde's Avatar
If you are working from a house you own a person can find a lot of information just by typing your address into Google. If they have access to expensive databases like Lexis/Nexis, which is used by journalists, lawyers, police, skip tracers, bill collectors and background checking agencies then they can look up a lot of your information (name, phone number, previous addresses, employment history, professional licenses, arrest and conviction reports, bankruptcy information) as well as find out the names, addresses and phone numbers of your relatives, inlaws and neighbors. For less than $100 they can have a private detective compile a report for them.

If you are working from a place you don't own or rent from (i.e. your name is not connected to the location at all) then a person would need your real name to search for information about you. If your name is very common, like Jane Smith, then you have very little to worry about, a search will turn up millions of dead ends. If your name is uncommon or has a unique spelling it's pretty much a guarantee that you will show up on the first or second page in a simple Google search.

I don't think there's a very high percentage of people willing to actually do this unless they feel someone has wronged them in some way so it's not something you should worry about too much but everyone needs to be aware how much information they consider private is actually easily available.
  • Kloie
  • 04-01-2013, 04:18 PM
If you are working from a house you own a person can find a lot of information just by typing your address into Google. If they have access to expensive databases like Lexis/Nexis, which is used by journalists, lawyers, police, skip tracers, bill collectors and background checking agencies then they can look up a lot of your information (name, phone number, previous addresses, employment history, professional licenses, arrest and conviction reports, bankruptcy information) as well as find out the names, addresses and phone numbers of your relatives, inlaws and neighbors. For less than $100 they can have a private detective compile a report for them.

If you are working from a place you don't own or rent from (i.e. your name is not connected to the location at all) then a person would need your real name to search for information about you. If your name is very common, like Jane Smith, then you have very little to worry about, a search will turn up millions of dead ends. If your name is uncommon or has a unique spelling it's pretty much a guarantee that you will show up on the first or second page in a simple Google search.

I don't think there's a very high percentage of people willing to actually do this unless they feel someone has wronged them in some way so it's not something you should worry about too much but everyone needs to be aware how much information they consider private is actually easily available. Originally Posted by prograde
I use a private apartment. I'm to afraid to use my home just in case a nutty buddy comes back. I like to carry mace but you are never safe in this lifestyle I saw a man almost a year before he snapped. Good luck to providers and hobbyist please be safe!!
  • Kloie
  • 04-01-2013, 04:19 PM
Hi Katrina can I dog sit for a few months... Please...
BBW Katrina's Avatar
You looking for a part time job Kloie? Lol
Cpalmson's Avatar
From a guy's perspective, I love when a woman hosts in her home or apartment. It is so much better than the obligatory hotel. While hotels offer convenience, there is just something sleezy about hotels. I've seen several women at some nice condos which seem like the ultimate setting.

As for avoiding LE, your best bet is good screening. I know this may not sound practical, but you could require a public meeting where you get to know the client somewhat before committing to taking him back to your place. Another sort of impractical option would be to only host those clients you've seen before.
shorty's Avatar
From a guy's perspective, I love when a woman hosts in her home or apartment. It is so much better than the obligatory hotel. While hotels offer convenience, there is just something sleezy about hotels. I've seen several women at some nice condos which seem like the ultimate setting.

As for avoiding LE, your best bet is good screening. I know this may not sound practical, but you could require a public meeting where you get to know the client somewhat before committing to taking him back to your place. Another sort of impractical option would be to only host those clients you've seen before. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
+1.... Also might add if your bent on using your home or appt as a incall, then at least hide your mail with your name on it, try not to have family pics in plain site, or anything else that might identify you or your family out in public. Some of us gents have very good memories and aren't forgetful.
Thanks for your comments everyone. It sounds as if I'm as prepared as the next gal offering an incall location. It doesn't hurt that my incall is in a gated community with armed security overnight either. I feel more confident now that I've taken proper precautions.
From a guy's perspective, I love when a woman hosts in her home or apartment. It is so much better than the obligatory hotel. While hotels offer convenience, there is just something sleezy about hotels. I've seen several women at some nice condos which seem like the ultimate setting. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
To counter that though, i have seen far more houses of providers kept unkempt than hotel rooms..