New ECCIE Features...WOW

PSP's Avatar
  • PSP
  • 12-20-2009, 04:07 PM
I am highly impressed with the new look and the showcases. This is phenomenal. I also love the Provider of the Day including her picture, PM link, showcase, etc. It really draws your attention. I haven't been able to concentrate very well today for staring at that sexy ass! I never heard of that girl before, but after looking at her all day, I'm now considering contacting her.

Great job Tbone & Becky. You just "leapfrogged" alot of other boards with this move. I'm excited to see what's next. You guys are the bomb!
gman44's Avatar
I second the great work by Tbone and Becky
Just a guess, but I bet sexyassjewel's PM box is full right about now.

All joking aside, this is some truly amazing progress. I can't tell you how much time I've spent over the past 2 days just looking at all the great Showcases. Man, some of these girls, I didn't realize they were so hot! I've already got my whole week lined up!j/k

You've got a beautiful board here, Mr. Bone and Miss Becky. You should be very very proud. It was beautiful before, but now you are in a whole new league. Congratulations.

As an Admin over on "the big board" I gotta say that I envy the fact that you guys are literally light years ahead of us. This is one hell of a place, for sure. Hats off to both of you!

St. C

PS. Don't count ASPD out just yet. We are making a big comeback! Mark my words.
I will add that in addition to the new additions of the showcases and provider of the day is that the chat room here is advanced and user friendly. I have been having a great time there and have met a lot of new friends!
aussie317's Avatar
Site is getting better everyday! Lovin it. Good work.
artee4fun's Avatar
Is there a way to put a link to the profile of the provider for the day? A search on today's provider got me no results. Of course I could be showing off my limited computer ability.