Personal information for screening

I had a provider ask me for personal information for screening. She wanted me to text her a picture or ID claiming that a lot of girls screen using this method. Questions.

1 - do you ladies really ask for pictures or ID as a form of screening? if so how do you ladies know that the pic or ID is of the gent?

2- do you guys really send one if asked?

3- if I choose not to send does it warrant a nasty response from the provider? Because I chose safety over an appointment?
TheEccie214's Avatar
First of all, unless you're visiting Relax, no, this shouldn't be required.

Second, please share who the gal requesting this is because I'm pretty sure she'd make the DNS list of about 99% of the guys here.
TinMan's Avatar
Have you thought about P411? That should open enough doors to get you established, and then you shouldn't have to encounter such requests again.

In this day and age, I'd be reluctant to give that info to just anyone. P411 at least has a 10-year track record of discretion.
billw1032's Avatar
The OP asks an interesting question. From time to time I've noticed providers, primarily those who have a web site and a screening form on the web site, that ask for full name, employment, and other real world info. I don't recall any names right now, but when I see them I wonder if anyone ever fills those out. Probably they catch someone from time to time, but I would hope the answer in general would be no. I did give my info to P411, and from my interaction with Gina's crew my impression is that they are as trustworthy as you could possibly expect. But that's my limit, and it's going to have to be good enough.

Edit: But the OP did mention she asked for a picture OR an ID. There may be other reasons for wanting a picture, such as to determine age, ethnicity, or if you're significantly overweight, and to make sure the guy she screens is the one that actually shows up. I'm not sure if that is their thinking or not, but I don't think I would be sending along any pictures, either.
I've notice you've posted this in most of the Texas forums. Is there a need to spam this everywhere? Did we get butthurt? Providers are everywhere. Move on to those who don't ask for ID.

Your questions was answered in Dallas, San Antonio, and Austin.
This is an experiment of what the answers are to the exact same questions when the provider isn't named. Can you please stay on topic.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
This is an experiment of what the answers are to the exact same questions when the provider isn't named. Can you please stay on topic. Originally Posted by Satoshi
Randall Creed's Avatar
When providers start giving up RL info, I'll start giving up mine.

What's YOUR real name?

Where do YOU work at?

Gnostalgia's Avatar
When providers start giving up RL info, I'll start giving up mine.

What's YOUR real name?

Where do YOU work at?

Feh! Originally Posted by Randall Creed
+1 Randall
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 02-14-2016, 03:59 PM
When providers start giving up RL info, I'll start giving up mine.

What's YOUR real name?

Where do YOU work at?

Feh! Originally Posted by Randall Creed
Sounds fair to me, providers must be laughing at guys who give up rw information for a piece of ass, if they require rw anything, delete the message and move on.
I had wanted to see a visiting provider. Her screening form had a personal info option. I asked her what personal info she wanted. She never answered. I've also seen employment verification as an option. I also got no answer when I asked what that meant.
milfy2002's Avatar

I screen total hobby newbies this way sometimes, although I prefer employment verification. An ID doesn't really prove anything to me without too much work digging on my part.

Remember not only are providers trying to avoid LE, we are trying to avoid serial killers and general douche baggery as well. If you're uncomfortable with a certain level of screening just move on.

Before P411 came into existence there were many more providers screening with hobbyist personal info, thank goodness they can do it for us now!

billw1032's Avatar
This is an experiment of what the answers are to the exact same questions when the provider isn't named. Can you please stay on topic. Originally Posted by Satoshi
It's not the exact same question. Now that I've read your post in the Austin forum it's obvious why she wanted the picture. The circumstance does matter, and given that additional info I think I'm going to come down on the side of the provider in this case.
Randall Creed's Avatar

I screen total hobby newbies this way sometimes, although I prefer employment verification. An ID doesn't really prove anything to me without too much work digging on my part.

Remember not only are providers trying to avoid LE, we are trying to avoid serial killers and general douche baggery as well. If you're uncomfortable with a certain level of screening just move on.

Before P411 came into existence there were many more providers screening with hobbyist personal info, thank goodness they can do it for us now!

Originally Posted by milfy2002
I suppose, but if a lunatic set an appointment with you, it might not matter that you have his RL info, considering what he's likely willing to do to make sure his info doesn't end up somewhere he doesn't want it.

I know it's a fine line, but the risks are a two way street. I mean, from a guy's standpoint, we never know if someone's videotaping encounters and putting them on the internet...combined with our RL info attached.

Just saying.
It's not the exact same question. Now that I've read your post in the Austin forum it's obvious why she wanted the picture. The circumstance does matter, and given that additional info I think I'm going to come down on the side of the provider in this case. Originally Posted by billw1032
Feel free to chime in on that thread. I welcome it. Provider in question claimed I was an idiot for not sending a picture because lots of guys send pictures and even ID. I'm challenging that claim. Again I welcome an unbiased input such as yours in that thread.