Grapefruit Technique

FunInDFW's Avatar

Never heard of this until today... who wants to try it out?! "Ladies, you losin' weight while suckin' dick!"

edit: 2:45 - her enthusiasm for the video is great.
if only i liked grapefruit
milfy2002's Avatar

Citrus on my d, citrus on my d... New rap song in the making.

On topic, I have an open ended masturbator that I sometimes use in the same way if the d is just too gigantic to get much of it in my mouth and he is really into getting lots of oral.
bigtxhorseman's Avatar
Man, and I was just down in the valley! I could've picked up a huge box of Ruby Reds and been soooo popular.....
Duthgar1976's Avatar
That sound! I could receive this. My dick is way to small. Maybe with a kiwi.