Meet and greets

So yesterday I arrived to have a quick lunch with a friend when in the parking lot were 3 squad cars. Very interesting as they were all still sitting in their cars. Guy threatened to write a nevative review of me unless I apologized about leaving and not meeting him. Mind you I did not see him at all or ask a deposit. Any who I've changed my meet location. My safety comes first before anything.
Glad you made it out of there ok. Hope you posted a warning to the other girls.
Update he just let me know "vice cops wear plain clothes." Y'all stay safe out there. So glad I went with my instincts.
You're a idiot.
You're a idiot. Originally Posted by Kickrocks
"You're an* idiot." Please do not derail my thread with off topic remarks. If you have nothing fruitful or nice to say go kickrocks. It's already been established many moons ago you do not like me. Now back on topic.
Thread is probably BS, probably someone you were trying to blackmail.
Thread is probably BS, probably someone you were trying to blackmail. Originally Posted by Kickrocks
That's alot of assumptions for something you obviously know nothing about. You're rude, and you keep harassing me. You have many posts, yet no encounters. Perhaps you should get laid and you wouldn't be so problematic. Maybe finding a hobby you can afford would also help, who knows!
I've got money baby, don't worry about that. And if I did have an "encounter" which I won't, I would not publicize it.
Thanks for sharing....alpreciate the info
msguru's Avatar
Am I missing something here between Kickrocks and Sarah? I seem to notice that no matter where she posts, he goes on the attack. I've always been under the impression that attacking other members, results in disciplinary action.
Am I missing something here between Kickrocks and Sarah? I seem to notice that no matter where she posts, he goes on the attack. I've always been under the impression that attacking other members, results in disciplinary action. Originally Posted by msguru
winn dixie's Avatar
Am I missing something here between Kickrocks and Sarah? I seem to notice that no matter where she posts, he goes on the attack. I've always been under the impression that attacking other members, results in disciplinary action. Originally Posted by msguru
Why are you so concerned about Kick?? Do you want to date him?? Don't get your hopes up, Kick doesn't roll like that.............
msguru's Avatar
No concerns with him at all...just trying to understand the rules of the board. Simple question, are we allowed to troll other members without repercussions or not? Don't know him from Adam and could be a super cool dude.
DocHolyday's Avatar
So yesterday I arrived to have a quick lunch with a friend when in the parking lot were 3 squad cars. Very interesting as they were all still sitting in their cars. Originally Posted by SweetSarah512
So you are alleging that LEOs were sitting in a PL waiting for you to show up so they could...arrest you for having lunch???? WTF???
winn dixie's Avatar
No concerns with him at all...just trying to understand the rules of the board. Simple question, are we allowed to troll other members without repercussions or not? Don't know him from Adam and could be a super cool dude. Originally Posted by msguru
Again , why are you singling Kick out? What is it to you ?