
When is it the best time to just step away and call it quits in a relationship?
onehitwonder's Avatar
When you don't trust him/her anymore................
So trust can't ever be regained?
onehitwonder's Avatar
I can only speak for me.........

I am a suspicious by nature. My husband (rip) used to tell me I should be a P I. Used to call me " Inspector Gadget". Once I don't trust someone I can never really let "it" go. I tend to look for things to be wrong. Especially if my feelings got hurt in the process. However, I guess it just depends on how bad it got and how much you WANT to get over and on with it. Please don't take this the wrong way, as I am certainly not making light of your situation, but I suspect you have your doubts about your relationship being "fixable" just by asking this question....

ziggy48's Avatar
Trust is built and lost thru situations.
My guess is you have to many negative ones.
Some trust can be built back up, but it seems like it never fully returns.
if you have to ask total strangers about your relationship, its over...
if you cant make a choice by yourself if you can trust her/him again i would think its over....
just my 2cents but at the same time, none of us know the situtation at hand so you might get better advice if you give a short little describtion of what happened, then again its none of our business (but you did put it out there)
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Being able to regain trust is an individual thing. If you can forgive and work through it then it can. If you can't let it go and look for things then it can't be. I agree with BDS in the fact that if you are asking us on here then more than likely it is over.
This was actually a hypothetical question. I'm single but have seen many couples just part ways rather than work through it which makes me wonder.
This was actually a hypothetical question. I'm single but have seen many couples just part ways rather than work through it which makes me wonder. Originally Posted by htownuptown
because some people don't want to or don't know how to take the time and effort to work on their relationship. If you feel like the person is worth it, you will.. But if the mere sight of them makes you want to go on a shooting spree, it's time to walk away. Seriously though, if the person is not supportive and trust worthy, your cons will outweigh your pros, hence, time to dip
I think it's when you are genuinely not in love any longer. You try your best to avoid even spending any quality time with person.
When is it the best time to just step away and call it quits in a relationship? Originally Posted by htownuptown
That all depends on many factors in my opinion. How long have you been together? During that time was there alot of conflict that just never seemed to get resolved? Was trust broken on either end? How much do you care about this individual? Do you care enough to try and work things out?

So many things that I could list here. I would just sit down (as cliche as this is) and write out the pro's and con's of the relationship.

Take it from there, I guess.

Good luck to you, whatever you decide!

opus's Avatar
  • opus
  • 08-12-2010, 02:36 PM
When is it the best time to just step away and call it quits in a relationship? Originally Posted by htownuptown
The first time you catch her lying.
drgris's Avatar
When you get caught..
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
1. When she refuses to do any of the things that women on this board advertise. (... or at least attempt them ... and doing the ones she can multiple times to make up for the ones she can't)

2. When the last child is over 18. (No child support)

3. Before you start making really big money.

4. When she finds your Hobby Phone and your password and Handle to ECCIE.

5. When you meet someone half her age (minimum >= 18) who is twice as perverted as you are.

6. The day BEFORE the Lottery announcer calls all your numbers.

7. Right after she puts you through Medical School.

I hope that helps...
nightdiver's Avatar
When is it the best time to just step away and call it quits in a relationship? Originally Posted by htownuptown
Most people know when there is a problem, that the relationship is not good. Listen to your instincts, unlike yours truley on more than one occassion. That's why I know.

Sit down and make two columns. The pros and cons of the relationship. If the cons outnumber the

But, to answer the question directly, get out before a bad relationship has legal intanglements, like marriage and/or children and property.
Get out early, it won't be nearly as tramatic.

That's all I have to say about that.