Chica Chaser's Avatar
He's got as much chance as Herman Cain did. Its unfortunate, but a conservative black man just isn't going to get the enough support from the black community to cause a voter flip to the Republican side.

And right or wrong, reality says there is going to a faction of the white community that won't support him simply because he's black.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Just like there is today!
I like how he rubbed Ocrybabies face in his own shit...fuckers
Yssup Rider's Avatar
IFFY, you really are on another planet. Y'all can do as much whining, crying, raging and foaming at the mouth as you want , but the fact is, America rejected your candidate and platform.

Now you have a group of wing nut pigs who can't get a place at the trough squealing at each other in an all-out battle for the right.

Enjoy the rancor. It seems to bring you pleasure.

But at the rate the GOP/teapublicans/conservative collective is degenerating, you and your buds are going to spend the rest of your lives crying about the guvmint.

Whiny bitches!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Yssup Ryder, the Republicans were only a few percentage points away from beating Obama, so don't get too overconfident. I'd vote for a conservative black guy or Cuban - anyone to fuck over the liberals.
Heck, I'd vote for Michelle Malkin over any of the stupid fuckers the liberals back, just to make them cry. I hate liberals for ruining America, and opposing Israel.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hate away, bro. It's classy and exudes intelligence.

Obama won the popular vote TWICE. And scored a huge Electoral victory. But keep telling yourself you almost had it.

You're beginning to sound awfully scary!

And you're wrong about liberals not supporting Israel. In fact, you're completely full of shit.

Not that there's anything wrong with it!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Well, the evangelicals support Israel while the liberals oppose settlements. I'm with Mark Levin on this one. Everything we won in 1967 is ours, just like everything America stole from the Redskins is now US territory. When the US lets the peace pipe smoking tomahawkers have their land back without restrictions, then Israel can give back its hard won land.
I get nothing but hate from the liberal motherfuckers, how classy and intelligent is that?
Liberal hatred and condescension is limitless when you don't go with the party line. I guess who you hate is what differentiates righteous hatred from ignorant hatred?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Dont be silly.

And quit being so fucking hateful. Trying to help you here man. I don't hate you. But reading your increasingly amped up vitriol makes me pity the fool.

You can't love Israel and hate faegeles! Or anyone for that matter. Anger leads to hatred. Hatred leads to the dark side.

Your choice... You want Mr. T or Yoda?


Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 03-16-2013, 10:32 PM
Hell, I'd vote for COG, over any fucking libtard. Lmfao
IFFY, you really are on another planet. Y'all can do as much whining, crying, raging and foaming at the mouth as you want , but the fact is, America rejected your candidate and platform.

Now you have a group of wing nut pigs who can't get a place at the trough squealing at each other in an all-out battle for the right.

Enjoy the rancor. It seems to bring you pleasure.

But at the rate the GOP/teapublicans/conservative collective is degenerating, you and your buds are going to spend the rest of your lives crying about the guvmint.

Whiny bitches! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Everything is going as planned...fucker. Including Ben bitch slapping Owhinnypants!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
just think, you could commit murder, do your time and when you get out, the Democrats would still be in power and the Teabaggers would still be crying their eyes out.

Wonder why, Iffysaurus?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Since I voted for Herman Cain I deem that I am morally superior to Whatzup and WTF. They didn't vote for the black conservative. I also voted for the conservative female candidate so that makes me even more morally superior. You want to laugh. That is the argument advanced by democrats for the last 20 years. If you don't vote for Obama then you are a racist. I didn't vote for the socialist because he didn't know what he was doing and I think I've been proven right. I have sent money to many conservatives; black, white, asian, and even Indian but they were all conservative.
There isn't much of a debate here. Sadly 2016 will look a lot like 2008 politically speaking.
just think, you could commit murder, do your time and when you get out, the Democrats would still be in power and the Teabaggers would still be crying their eyes out.

Wonder why, Iffysaurus? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You know what they say...you got to hit bottom.

You fuckers are taking us straight to it....

Will we live or will we....?

Tea party will haunt you in your dreams. We are coming for you tonight...sleep well...fucker