GOP: "We've Been Lying All Along"

GOP: We've Been Lying All Along

By David Sirota, Salon

18 March 13

Boehner's admission that we don't really have a debt crisis reveals his party's ulterior, program-cutting motives.

I never thought I'd write these words, but here goes: Thank you, John Boehner. Thank you, Mr. Speaker, for finally admitting on national television that all the fiscal cliffs, sequestrations and budget battles you've created are, indeed, artificially fabricated by ideologues and self-interested politicians and not the result of some imminent crisis that's out of our control.

America owes this debt of gratitude to Boehner after he finally came clean on yesterday's edition of ABC’s “This Week” and admitted that "we do not have an immediate debt crisis." (His admission was followed up by Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, who quickly echoed much the same sentiment on CBS’ “Face the Nation”).

In offering up such a stunningly honest admission, the GOP leader has put himself on record as agreeing with President Obama, who has previously acknowledged that demonstrable reality. But the big news here isn't just about the politics of a Republican House speaker tacitly admitting they agree with a Democratic president. It is also about a bigger admission revealing the fact that the GOP's fiscal alarmism is not merely some natural reaction to reality, but a calculated means to other ideological ends.

Before considering those ends, first remember that Boehner (like Obama) is correct on the facts.

As Nobel-winning economist Paul Krugman has pointed out, "Even if we do run deficits, federal debt as a share of GDP will be substantially less than it was at the end of World War II" and "it will also be substantially less than, say, debt in several European countries in the mid- to late 1990s." It is also lower than the 80 percent of GDP level that many economists say starts to put countries in a precarious position.

Additionally, citing Congressional Budget Office data, the Center for American Progress notes that the long-term debt outlook is only dire because the projections simply assume without question that "future Congresses will enact huge new deficit-increasing tax cuts and spending hikes."

"The debt outlook is bad (but) we’re not looking at something inconceivable, impossible to deal with," writes Krugman. "We’re looking at debt levels that a number of advanced countries, the US included, have had in the past, and dealt with."

So yes, we should start dealing with the long-term debt in a pragmatic and sober way, but we shouldn't pretend it is some sort of imminent crisis worthy of draconian austerity measures.

All of this FAUX concern over the debt has been the GOP/Tea Party Plan to bring down Obama all along. That so many will go to such damaging lengths to try to hold onto power is not only pitiful and petty but is also a statement of just how sick the Rats on the Right really are!

Link to entire article:
It's the same as it's always been: the GOP solution to every financial issue facing the country is, and always has been, cutting taxes and getting rid of the social safety net, social security, medicaid, medicare, etc etc etc. Been that way since the New Deal was passed, it will always be that way. In the words of Rahm Emmanuel, "Never let a good (or, in this case, perceived) crisis go to waste"
Crock of shit article from a Bullshit Fagazine and posted by Liberal race baiter..
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Wow! I have seen some crummy reporting but this is a new low. The quote (you put quote marks on it) did not get said. It was a lie. You give us another cut and paste while trying to pass it off as your own. You plagarized. You only cherry picked some of the story before you put in a link instead of a citation. By the way, FAUX is pronounced F-O-E though for some strange, uneducated reason you think it is pronounced FOX.

As for the article inself; What does "immediate" mean? I notice that Boehner said we have no immediate debt problem. I guess I have to ask a politician what does immediate mean to him. I guess if I bought a house that I could not afford but the first payment was not due for 90 days and I did not have the money to pay it I could say that I have no immediate debt problem but ask me again in 90 days. Understand this, Boehner is a Rino. He was opposed both times he got his current job by many conservative republicans. Why not add the quote by Senator Barack Obama in 2008 saying that the debt was too big, it was growing too fast, and it was ALL Bush's fault. In fact, Obama went so far as to say that it was unpatriotic to increase the debt. There is your liar and your fool.
Your writer is a fool as well comparing post World War II economy to today. In 1945 we had no competition anywhere in the world. China was in turmoil, Japan was destroyed alongside Germany, England was still piecing itself back together and Texas was producing more oil than Saudi Arabia. Times have changed, we are in competition now and debt is a drag.

Here is your writer from Wikipedia which is all he deserves;
David J. Sirota (born November 2, 1975) is an American liberal political commentator and radio host based in Denver.[1] He is an author,[2] book reviewer,[3] nationally syndicated newspaper columnist,[4] a Democratic political strategist,[5] political operative,[6] Democratic spokesperson,[7] and blogger.[8] He is generally considered to be a political progressive[9] as well as a critic of neoliberal economic policies.[10] He has criticized both left[11] and right[12] as well as excessive presidential power.[13
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-20-2013, 12:26 PM

two story outhouse ...
nuff said
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I like the outhouse concept. That is why the Tea party wants to make it side by side again.
LovingKayla's Avatar
Well DUH stupid, of course they are liars. This is news to you? Oh wait... I forgot you don't actually read what we say here.
Barley for Brains, you're a hopeless, hapless moron.

The use of "FAUX" is a visual reference that then compels normal people to think of the similarity and how really fake Fox is.

The reporter has far more credentials than do you.

I fully explained the copied and pasted article. You were just too dumb to follow.

The Teapublicans are simply Republicans who lost to the Dems and needed a (Chino) change in name only to "reinvent" themselves. They mistakenly thought it would fool enough people to get a "do-over" of their 2006 and 2008 flops.

Only in the low intelligence states like TX, OK, LA, MI, AL and other redneck strongholds where more morons than smart people vote did it work.

The debt "crisis" was manufactured to hurt Obama.

The cuts from sequestration were never a good idea for a sluggish economy and anyone who thinks austerity is the way to cure OUR economic woes is dumber than COF and you put together.

You address silly, fabricated notions while ignoring advice given by people like Krugman and others.

Buh bye, loser!
SEE3772's Avatar
Barley for Brains, you're a hopeless, hapless moron.

The use of "FAUX" is a visual reference that then compels normal people to think of the similarity and how really fake Fox is.

The reporter has far more credentials than do you.

I fully explained the copied and pasted article. You were just too dumb to follow.

The Teapublicans are simply Republicans who lost to the Dems and needed a (Chino) change in name only to "reinvent" themselves. They mistakenly thought it would fool enough people to get a "do-over" of their 2006 and 2008 flops.

Only in the low intelligence states like TX, OK, LA, MI, AL and other redneck strongholds where more morons than smart people vote did it work.

The debt "crisis" was manufactured to hurt Obama.

The cuts from sequestration were never a good idea for a sluggish economy and anyone who thinks austerity is the way to cure OUR economic woes is dumber than COF and you put together.

You address silly, fabricated notions while ignoring advice given by people like Krugman and others.

Buh bye, loser!
Originally Posted by Little Stevie
The debt "crisis" was manufactured...
sluggish economy...
fabricated notions...

So the Federal Reserve can stop... right?
Someone is suggesting again that we take advice from Paul Krugman? I mean, really. Seriously??

He's perhaps the loudest and most prominent voice complaining (repeatedly) that the blatant squandering of over $800 billion, signed in early 2009 and falsely described as a "stimulus package," wasn't large enough. (Yes, seriously.) Not only that, he actually opined a year or so ago that the Fed should do QE in the aggregate amount of $8-10 TRILLION!

A number of left-wing bloggers have become Krugman acolytes. We sometimes refer to them as his "hallelujah chorus."

Just about everything that needs to be said about Krugman's views on macroeconomics was covered in this thread Little Stevie started on 12/30/11:

Republicans have certainly been guilty of a number of irresponsible actions. Many of them have been very stupid and foolish. But only a blind partisan would fail to acknowledge that Obama and other Democrats have contributed mightily to the recklessness of our staggeringly irresponsible and incompetent government.
SEE darkens the sky
His posting is not sunshine
He is worried more

Yours has too many syllables and lines SEE. Remember:




The debt "crisis" was manufactured...
sluggish economy...
fabricated notions...

So the Federal Reserve can stop... right? Originally Posted by SEE3772
Well nobody likes a liar. "Liar,Liar your pants are on fire" put that in your Democratic Pipe and smoke it.
SEE3772's Avatar
SEE darkens the sky
His posting is not sunshine
He is worried more

Yours has too many syllables and lines SEE. Remember:



5 Originally Posted by timpage
You have failed (again) to answer my question, like most here...

When will the Federal Reserve exit?

Maybe you should grow up stop responding like a child educate yourself accept reality and come up with a personal protection plan.

Well nobody likes a liar. "Liar,Liar your pants are on fire" put that in your Democratic Pipe and smoke it. Originally Posted by acp5762
SEE3772's Avatar
Someone is suggesting again that we take advice from Paul Krugman? I mean, really. Seriously??

He's perhaps the loudest and most prominent voice complaining (repeatedly) that the blatant squandering of over $800 billion, signed in early 2009 and falsely described as a "stimulus package," wasn't large enough!

A number of left-wing bloggers have become Krugman acolytes. We sometimes refer to them as his "hallelujah chorus."

Just about everything that needs to be said about Krugman's views on macroeconomics was covered in this thread Little Stevie started on 12/30/11:

Republicans have certainly been guilty of a number irresponsible actions. Many of them have been very stupid and foolish. But only a blind partisan would fail to acknowledge that Obama and other Democrats have contributed mightily to the recklessness of our staggeringly irresponsible and incompetent goverment. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
The info on Krugman is out there...
All one needs to do is go back and listen to what he was saying before 08.