House GOP defeats..uhh...House GOP budget

Maroons. Some of the provisions inserted by the whackadoos were too much for leadership and less insane GOP'ers to swallow. Had to vote against Howdy Doody's budget.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-20-2013, 04:00 PM
stay tuned, RINO name calling to follow
Yssup Rider's Avatar
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-20-2013, 05:11 PM
the article is misleading... the Ryan budget doesn't balance the budget until 30 years from now, it actually increases the deficit until 2023, and after 2023 begins a gradual lowering effect for the next 20 years finally balancing the budget .... assuming there's no major disasters or wars that aren't accounted for in Ryan's plan (big assumption IMO) ... so, given the fact the Ryan budget increases the deficit for the next decade, and he stands behind is proposal without question, apparently the deficit crisis isn't a crisis at all ... Deficit Crisis ... just more rightwing talking points.

Call Cheney and have him go on record again stating "deficits don't matter".

then tell ALL of them to go FUCK THEMSELVES.
This isn't really news, and should come as a surprise to no one. The whole thing was merely another another silly, time-wasting maneuver that never stood a chance. The Republican Study Committee's budget is no more likely to ever see the light of day than the stuff proposed by the Congressional Progressive Caucus. These clowns at least need to figure out how to get on the same page.

The larger issue is that the parties remain dug in and strongly opposed to any compromise whatsoever on spending or taxing. There will likely be no bipartisan agreement on anything until a crisis or series of crises forces it.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
More opinion, how about some facts. If you can't explain it in a few sentences then don't bother. No one likes to go to links to find out the story. Links are to bolster what you are saying and not serve as substance. I want to know your words and your thoughts, not those of a professional agitator writing as a moderate observer.

At least someone is coming up with some ideas....too bad we can't discuss them here because the libs will NEVER accept a GOP budget. Harry Reid said as much.
Do you require a limitation on syllables as well as sentences? I know you've indicated that you are familiar with some big words but I don't know which ones. So...should we keep responses to maybe a couple of sentences with words of no more than say, three syllables? That way, we can probably be sure you will "know our words".

You've lost your mind.

More opinion, how about some facts. If you can't explain it in a few sentences then don't bother. No one likes to go to links to find out the story. Links are to bolster what you are saying and not serve as substance. I want to know your words and your thoughts, not those of a professional agitator writing as a moderate observer.

At least someone is coming up with some ideas....too bad we can't discuss them here because the libs will NEVER accept a GOP budget. Harry Reid said as much. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Brilliant gamesmanship by the Democrats. I don't know how they pulled this off, but it was a stroke of genius.
chefnerd's Avatar
Probably because one group of idiots was less stupid than another group of idiots.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
More opinion, how about some facts. If you can't explain it in a few sentences then don't bother. No one likes to go to links to find out the story. Links are to bolster what you are saying and not serve as substance. I want to know your words and your thoughts, not those of a professional agitator writing as a moderate observer.

At least someone is coming up with some ideas....too bad we can't discuss them here because the libs will NEVER accept a GOP budget. Harry Reid said as much. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
actually, Barleyswine, you do that all the time. Your blow buddy Whiny is even worse about providing a link that proves him wrong. Thats why you're both constantly in a corner of your own painting.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Simply proves that Boehner is incompetent. But we knew that already. The Democrats are playing him like a cheap violin.
chefnerd's Avatar
Please tell us that it did not take you this long to figure out that Crybaby was incompetent. But then again, feel free to nominate a competent person for speaker.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Tim Huelskamp would make a fine Speaker. Or Justin Amash. And yes, I knew Boehner was incompetent from the beginning.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Of course you did. Thats why we see so many anti-Boehner posts for you, Whiny.

Can't have it both ways. Wait a second, you can have it both French and Greek, if you get to Salina in time!
chefnerd's Avatar
Problem with both of them is that they have extremely little experience in bringing together the extreme egos in Washington to get anything actually accomplished (both are only in their second term). Yes, unfortunately, Congress tends to award longevity over ability, but I have also not seen, at least to date, what I mentioned at the beginning which would be one of the primary jobs of the speaker in order to forward the approved party agenda. And yes I also realize you heartily approve of them because they are basically Libertarian candidates although they are OFFICIALLY Republican. Then again, I can't exactly say that I entirely oppose them, since I approve of some of their actions while in Congress.