Boardwalk Empire

New season off to good start.

Suicide,murder,chain gang murder,savin' Nucky's ass.....

What'aya think ,THN??????
Can you believe I forgot!

I thought it was next week for some reason.

So ya just watched it. Thank you for posting this! I can't wait for next week. I really enjoy the flashbacks to Nucky's childhood. I felt the need to go back and watch last season a few times. The Lanske thing was pretty weird - I guess New York wants that Bacardi deal more than Nucky. Looking forward to seeing what happens with Chalky. Hell the whole thing looks damn good. Great opening to the final season! I may try to have a finale party or something.

jbravo_123's Avatar
Actually just finished watching Season 4 this weekend. I tend to hold off on watching shows until I can binge a season at a time, but it's good to hear that this one has started off well (especially because I've been wondering what do they have left that they can do with the show).
You can definitely see the changes from their "normal" characters in the season opener:

Chalky is essentially a broken man now. I see a comeback in some form but he will never be whole again after the loss from last season.

Nucky now resents being associated with organized crime and desperately wants to legitimize his business dealings again. I can't say enough about how much I love this character, especially now that his childhood is in the spotlight.

HBO has the best shows. I don't watch much TV but I make a point to watch a handful of their shows.