Clarification on my rates

Guest121917-1's Avatar
Many have reached out about me raising my rates.

I have not raised them. I just had to word it diffrently in my showcase due to outsiders trying to take advantage of what I offer active members.

Thanks for reading this ❤💋
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
This does not seem to clarify anything. Actually, it seems more cryptic. If you want to clear the air, why not just post them on this thread and stop beating around the bush?
DocHolyday's Avatar
The rates in the OP's SC seem pretty clear to me. I don't see a need to post them again here.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
They do to me as well, but she said she wanted clarification and I don't see how this thread provides that.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Posting outright rates in Coed would make it an undeniable ad violation instead of an arguable threAD. The OP's donations are perfectly clear in the Services and Availability box of her Showcase at present, which is visible exclusively to members. The OP has a discount available just for active ECCIE fellows, I note, so perhaps that created some confusion before she rephrased?

I think providers should also include rates in their Showcase Bio/About Me sections so that everyone can view them, lurkers too, but that's just my personal opinion. (I'm newbie-friendly, but ladies who aren't may restrict info to seasoned ECCIE Hobbyists with references only.) Some of my best visitors peruse the site but don't join for various reasons usually related to discretion. Membership has privileges, of course, like the aforementioned rate break the OP and many other ladies offer, and it's much easier to search and meander the board if a member. Plus it just looks better, more authentic, if a gentleman sends a PM to request an appointment. She may consider him a priority over non-members contacting her by other methods.
TryWeakly's Avatar
Technically SHE cannot post them right?

So what if someone else posts them? Does the thrrAD become an AD at that point?

I see the rate structure this way.....

If X is the rate and Y is the timeslot requested, then the total donation (Z) is a simple formula using D as the discount when...

X remains constant so long as Y is between 0.5 and 2.999999

>> Z= X * Y - D

If Y is equal to or greater than 3 then X becomes (X/.77777777) and is implied going forward in Y for lack of details.

>> Z=(X/. 77777777) * Y - D

Notwithstanding the above, D is always D =-1(D*-1) but only if T(tard) is a membertard, else D=0

I got it. Crystal clear to me. I dont see where the problem is for you other tards....
^^^^^^^ Just fucka B..... It's got more holes.......

pyramider's Avatar
Taint photos would clarify all rate questions.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
This is an excellent threAD, IMHO
TryWeakly's Avatar
Are we clear on that?